The Vigilante
heard the sickening details of this child’s suffering.
    Finally, Dr. Carton shook his head, saying, “We’ve done enough, Herman. My God! Bring her back now.”
    Dr. Schoenfeld called to Martha, told her it was time to come back now, and worked to help her relax as he completed the process. “At the count of three, you must wake up.” He began to count and at three, Martha’s eyes took on the look of present reality. She straightened in her chair.
    “Well, Docs, did you help me?” she sneered softly.
    Looking deeply into her eyes, Dr. Carton saw the certain look of a terrible knowledge he’d never seen in Martha. “Who am I talking to?” he asked. His heart raced, thinking of the phenomena he believed had happened.
    She uttered a harsh laugh. “Guess who, Doc?” She crossed her legs. “I’m Serena. You wanted to meet me, didn’t you? Well, here I am.” She thrust out her breasts and gave him a highly suggestive leer, accompanied with a half-laugh.
    Dr. Carton nearly stammered. “Tell me about yourself, Serena.”
    “Cut the crap, Doc. You already know what I’m about. That pathetic wimp, Martha, needed me. I kept her from going crackers. She needs me now too, don’t you know? Or do you?” A look of slyness emanated from her eyes. Then, glancing at Dr. Schoenfeld, she sniffed, “And who’s this little pip-squeak sitting in here with us?”
    Carton introduced Dr. Schoenfeld. “He’s here to help with the hypnosis. Looks like it worked all too well.” Then, his voice firm but gentle, he asked her, “Please, I would like to speak to Martha now.” He feared Martha might be submerged overly long and needed to assess her mental status after the traumatic event they’d just witnessed.
    “No sweat, doc.” Serena turned away, twisting in her chair.
    When she turned back, both doctors easily recognized Martha. They were stunned to have seen this phenomenon. Neither doctor had ever seen that particular occurrence before today, and it took them a moment to find their voices.
    Dr. Carton said, “Martha, you did very well. We will be able to help you. In time, you’ll remember everything. Would you like to know what’s happening, and why?”
    “Of course—but, will it be something terrible? I’m not so sure...” Her face paled, her eyes deepened to a darker green, and both doctors could see the icy dread they held.
    “Nothing that was your fault, but something did happen to you as a child. We need to help you put everything together. We now know you have an alternate personality. One created in childhood to help you survive some very traumatic events, none of which were your fault.” Dr. Carton repeated, carefully leading Martha toward enlightenment and guilt avoidance.
    “We need to end this session for today. We’ll take it up again, perhaps in our next meeting.” He ordered a new appointment for Martha and gently took her arm to usher her out of the office.
    “Thank you both. I feel lighter somehow. Then, will I have to undergo hypnotherapy again?” The biting edge of fear had crept softly into her voice, though she managed a smile for her doctor.
    “Yes, likely many more times,” Dr. Carton answered.
    She waved goodbye, and walked out into the brightness of a fine, spring day.
    In the confines of his office, Dr. Carton clamped his hand on Dr. Shoenfeld’s shoulder. “Whew! How about that? I’ve heard of it, of course, but never had a case of D.I.D. I’ve never seen anything like that in my entire career.” He sat leaning back in his chair, feeling amazed, saddened, yet completely elated.
    “Thanks for allowing me to participate, Michael. I’ve never seen anything like that in my practice either, nor met anyone who has. It’s that damned rare, and I’ve been practicing a long, long time.” Dr. Schoenfeld turned to leave. “I’ve a patient waiting at the moment, but I’d certainly like to sit in on your next therapy with Martha.”
    “Carton laughed uncertainly. “Sure thing,

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