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Book: Torn by Kate Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Hill
Tags: Romance
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she slept without worry.
    * * * * *
    Honey Wine awoke warm, content, and encompassed by Torn’s scent. She smiled, remembering the hours she’d spent in his arms, but when she reached for him, the bed beside her was empty. Disappointment overwhelmed her.
    She sat up, wiping sleep from her eyes, and glanced at the fire burning in the hearth. A tub full of water stood in front of it, clothes folded neatly on a plain wooden stool nearby.
    Stretching, she slipped out of the bed and into the tub. The warm water soothed her body, still sore from the previous day’s journey. She smiled wryly.
    There had been a time when such a hike would have been routine for her. Now that she was out of the dungeon, she’d have to sharpen the skills, which had lain dormant. She washed her hair and skin with the scented soap and braided her damp tresses down her back. She slipped into a green wool tunic and pulled on a brown skirt. There was no mirror in the chamber, and she wondered how she looked. Funny, before meeting Torn, she’d never thought of such things, but she wanted him to find her attractive.
    She walked down the corridor and into the great hall. Several black-garbed Knights as well as women and children lined the wooden tables. Rain waved to her from where he sat with two other Knights, one blond, and the other flame-haired. She approached, feeling slightly out of place, but the men stood and greeted her with friendly smiles, and soon she was seated beside Rain enjoying a breakfast of bread and fresh fruit.
    “Did you sleep well, Lady?” Rain’s eyes glistened with good humor as he popped a fat, red berry into his mouth.
    Honey Wine nodded, realizing that the blond and the redhead were staring at her in a manner that might have been offensive had their expressions not been so amiable.
    “So you’re from Sophianna?” the redhead asked in the clipped accent of the western lands where Honey Wine had once traveled with Alva.
    “I am.”
    “Torn speaks highly of you,” the blond said.
    “Tell these rogues to mind their own business.” Rain chuckled. “They don’t even have the decency to introduce themselves before questioning a lady.”
    “Excuse us.” The redhead reached for an apple and took a juicy bite. He tapped his chest with the fruit and said, “I’m Mage, and this here is Warrant.”
    “Charmed.” Warrant took her hand and bowed his curly blond head over it.
    He winked one of his turquoise eyes at her. “And I must say you’re even more beautiful than Rain described.”
    “A lovely compliment,” she cast him a teasing smile, “from one so handsome.”
    Warrant released her hand and grinned. “I see Torn has found himself a formidable woman. I’m not at all surprised.”
    “Me either.” Mage finished the last of his apple, tossed the core on his plate, and reached for a thick slice of bread. “He’s waited long enough to find one.”
    Honey Wine lifted an eyebrow. “Find one?”
    “Yes.” Mage paused in his chewing. “Torn is careful with everything. He thinks things through. All his words and actions are means to a well -planned end. He doesn’t waste time with –”
    Rain interrupted him with a long, chastising whistle. “Risky, Mage. You know how Torn dislikes gossip.”
    Mage gave a snort of laughter. “You worry about him. I’m out of his faction and in charge of the home guard now.”
    “What faction is Torn in charge of?” Honey Wine asked. The more she heard clips of the Knights’ conversation, the more curious she was becoming about Torn’s position in the Order. He was obviously high up and well respected.
    Mage’s green eyes met Honey Wine’s and he shook his head, his smile fading. “I’m sorry, Honey Wine, but we’re not at liberty to discuss Torn’s faction.”
    “Go on, make her more curious, why don’t you?” Warrant leaned back in his chair, the black silk of his tunic pulling across his broad chest, masses of wild, curly hair tumbling over his shoulders and

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