Trickle Up Poverty

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Authors: Michael Savage
Tags: Non-Fiction, Business
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    Traditionally, in communist countries such as Cuba, North Korea, and the former Soviet Union, communism brought with it complete state control of the culture and the economy. Today, however, communist nations such as China are operating a little differently. They have hybridized their state control of the economy, for example, by permitting limited levels of capitalistic freedom.
    That’s why you can go to McDonald’s on the mainland.
    But don’t let the presence of a few Big Macs fool you.
    The People’s Republic of China is still ruled by the Communist Party of China and not the people, in spite of what notions “People’s Republic” may bring to mind. As such, there’s zero tolerance for freedom of speech. You say or write the wrong thing—boom—you’re suddenly locked away in a hellhole for years. Likewise, there’s no freedom of religion, no freedom of thought. So while their brand of communism isn’t identical to the iron heel of Lenin, it’s still a form of communism, thus, neo-communism.
    Like its cousin in China, Obama is pursuing more of a neo-communism or “soft” socialist-communist approach. In a way, he’s using a “tri-brid” revolutionary plan: some Marxism, some Leninism, and some Trotskyism. While we don’t have commissars in America as are found in communist countries, we do have czars and czarinas. This cadre of like-minded companions shapes the direction of the government without congressional oversight or approval and is only accountable to Comrade Obama.
    Any European with reasonable political knowledge knows what’s going on here in America. I’m afraid, however, that the American voter is terminally naïve. How else can we explain 64.6 million sheeple voting him into office? They were willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt in spite of the evidence, that’s how. I bet they’d refuse to believe what I’m saying about Barack Obama even if they were to see him with their own two eyes marching around the White House under a Lenin banner wearing a Che Guevara shirt and red beret.
    If you care about your future, if you love your country as much as I do, you owe it to yourself to listen carefully as Doc Savage lays this out for you in plain English. Better brace yourself. The next chapter provides the crash course on socialism they never taught you in school. And, in the end, I promise the scales of liberalism will fall from your eyes. You’ll see I’m right when I say that Barack Obama is a naked Marxist. You’ll understand how and why Obama intends to use trickle up poverty in order to garner even more power and control for the multicultural, ruling elite.
    Are you ready for the Savage truth?
    Then read on.

Trickle Up Poverty
    Spending Other People’s Money
    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
    —George Santayana1
    The other day I was watching a movie on television about Rocky Graziano, a great middleweight Italian boxer from New York. You might say he was the original Rocky. This guy was one of the greatest knockout fighters in the history of boxing. I think he ranked in the top twenty or so. Doesn’t matter. What really caught my eye were the street scenes from New York City. It was a different time. I was fascinated to see kids gliding down the sidewalks on homemade scooters because I had one.
    As I watched, I remembered making a wooden scooter with my father out of scraps of wood. Since we couldn’t afford to buy one, we took whatever was lying around, and made it work. About all I could scrounge up was a six-foot length of a 2×4, one roller skate, an orange cart, some handles from who knows what, and a few rusty nails. If you were creative, it was enough.
    Dad took the board and, on one end, we attached the front wheels of the roller skate. On the opposite end, we hammered on the back set of wheels from the skate. We nailed those wheels on as you put a horseshoe on a horse. With that done, we took the wooden orange

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