
Twistor by Gene; John; Wolfe Cramer Page A

Book: Twistor by Gene; John; Wolfe Cramer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gene; John; Wolfe Cramer
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turf. But there were severe dangers to the corporation if one were caught with a hand in the cookie jar. Therefore, the intelligence operatives who were used to provide the essential inflow of information about developing technologies were never corporation employees; they were kept at a discreet distance from the corporation proper. Deniability is as essential in business as in politics.
    Modern computer communications made possible almost complete isolation, protection, and damage limitation for both parties in the operation. The operatives in Seattle had no inkling of the identity of their employer, only that from time to time requests from one Broadsword for certain information or actions appeared in their computer systems. After the operation was completed, reports were posted in Broadsword's private encrypted area on the same computer system's disk storage area. The deposit of funds of an appropriate sum in a numbered Swiss account always followed shortly thereafter. It was a sanitary and satisfying arrangement for all concerned.
    Pierce entered his private encryption key and the program shifted to graphics mode, displaying a full-color map of the North American continent, adding each of the links leading from San Francisco to Seattle to the display as they were established. The route was remarkably indirect, crossing the continent four times. But that, after all, was the idea. Finally the last link in the chain was forged and the map disappeared, to be replaced by the message User Name:. Pierce typed BROADSWORD, and the computer responded with Password:. Pierce typed EXCALIBUR. The computer then responded with Second Password:, and Pierce typed ARTHUR.
    Welcome to the PSRS HyperVAX 98000 running under VMS 8.7 .
    This is the Puget Sound Reference Service.
    Library reference services and literature searches are our specialties.
    came the response. This was followed by a $ prompt. Pierce responded by typing RUN UPLOAD, then completed a set of responses which caused the newly prepared SAXON.TXT file on Pierce's system to be transferred to the [BROADSWORD] disk area of the Puget Sound Reference Service computer system. A pie chart appeared on Pierce's terminal screen, the 'slice' corresponding to that fraction of the file which had been encrypted with an encryption key known to PSRS, transferred, and checked for accuracy. The slice grew larger and larger until it was the whole 'pie.' Then the display disappeared, to be replaced by:
    New file [BROADSWORD] SAXON.TXT successfully created.
    Pierce then entered the message describing his needs:
    Establish soonest Class III surveillance on the residence and workplace of Professor Allan D. Saxon. Reference encrypted file [BROADSWORD] SAXON.TXT for details including authorization of related activities. Use encryption key DOG. Special attention to experiment in progress at Saxon's laboratory at University. Full operative reports and transcripts of all recordings to be posted in the [BROADSWORD] account within 12 hours of collection. Original recordings to be sent Federal Express to F&G Enterprises, 1436 Avenue of Americas, Suite 356, New York, NY 10047 within 24 hours of collection. Operation authorized for 14 days, renewable.
    Pierce logged off the system and disconnected, folded the terminal back into his immaculate desk, and smiled. There was something deeply rewarding about a job well done.
    The balding man of middle age sat down at his scratched metal desk beside the line of ill-matched file cabinets. A sign with the legend PRESIDENT, PUGET SOUND REFERENCE SERVICE, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON stood at a corner of the desk. The old VT-220 terminal on the littered desk of the president of PSRS made a 'beep' sound as he logged into his computer system. The message You have 1 new Mail message. appeared on the terminal screen. He called up the MAIL utility and read the new message. It was from

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