Under My Skin

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Book: Under My Skin by Shawntelle Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shawntelle Madison
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Rebecca standing there with her arms crossed—an angry expression across her face. But no one waited for me.
    I pushed the wheels and propelled myself forward. Every foot got me closer to the office. I steeled myself inside and focused on a new goal. I had to reach that console so I could get on the network and find out what happened to Zoe. Was she close by? Could I contact her to find out if she was okay? Maybe I could at least contact my parents and send them a final message. A proper goodbye before... I pushed myself faster. It was counterproductive to think about what might happen.
    No one appeared as I traversed down the long hallway. The drapes closed off even the twilight from shining inside. The only light came from hovering sconces. I approached the first open door and panicked. Would someone be waiting past that open door? The dim light and silence filled me with confidence, but after everything I’d been through, I didn’t trust this place. It was better to assume someone might be there, and I needed an excuse. Maybe I should say I was hungry and looking for food. I crept past the doorway and looked inside. The dining hall was empty. The only movement was the flickering lights as they bounced. No one guarded the other rooms. Where were all those servants I’d seen earlier today? I reached the door to the General’s office and smiled. My arms burned from the exertion, but soon my hard work would be rewarded.
    The door was locked. Right beside the door, there was a bar code scanner for entry. A part of me wanted to turn back and give up, since I didn’t have access to this room. Or did I?
    Des had told me the bar code on my wrist was mine, but now that their lies had been exposed, I wondered if that meant this new bar code belonged to the General. It was only natural they’d brand me with his identity now that they’ve pushed him into my head.
    I reached up and waved my wrist over the scanner beside the door. After a soft click, the door opened. The sounds of footsteps drew my attention to the darkness far down the hallway. I had to be quick. I wheeled myself into the room and shut the door.
    The office was pitch black, except for one corner where someone had left the drapes open. The darkness closed in and crept around my throat, so I wheeled over toward the window. The glow of twilight brought a faint light into the room. I reached for the window and touched the chilled glass. Outside this window was freedom from my prison. Well, at least the house. For a second, I did think about breaking the glass and escaping. I was on the ground floor. Beyond the window was grass with a heavy layer of frost. The early spring hadn’t come here yet. Even farther, past the wintry lawn and an imposing wall, were snow-capped mountains that glared back at me and reminded me that I was only a simple girl. I wouldn’t survive if I left this place alone with no food or proper clothing.
    Looking out the window was a waste of time, so I approached the desk. The communications console was a standard issue unit with a few advanced features. Another bar code scan would be required to activate it. With one swipe, I’d have access. I ran my wrist over the scanner and waited for the screen to pop up. The viewer flickered from black to gray and then finally white.
    A nagging feeling pestered me, telling me my time was running out and I needed to move faster. I’d dawdled too long at the window. A set of footsteps outside the door confirmed my suspicions. Someone tried the doorknob and it didn’t open. I sighed with relief. The General’s bar code helped me a little tonight.
    My gaze darted to the screen with hopes of seeing the network logo and the fields necessary to begin navigating, or a search screen—anything other than what I saw: a form asking me for General Dagon’s passphrase.
    I heard a beep near the door and my insides melted as it opened. Rebecca strode in. The dim light from the hallway surrounded her silhouette and

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