Upon Waking (Youngling Series)

Upon Waking (Youngling Series) by Ashley Mason Page B

Book: Upon Waking (Youngling Series) by Ashley Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Mason
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the United States that have fairy circles, whether the humans know about them or not. What they don’t realize is that true fairy circles are invisible to the human eye. Only the supernatural community can spot them. And it just so happens that the closest one to us is about ten miles to your right.” Tessa glanced off in that direction, the wind picking up and blowing back her hair.
    It was in that moment that she smelled it. It was defiantly blood and lavender, like the note. But it was the blood that interested her. Under the tangy copper scent was something decidedly more wild and…familiar.
    “…Penny. Penny!” Before Harper could stop her, Tessa took off, her feet barely touching the ground as she ran and ran, the wind blowing a continuous stream of Penny's particular scent in her face. Trees blurred past her so quickly that she couldn’t make out individual branches, let alone leaves. She had never so fast in her life, not even since her change.
    For a moment fear filled her as she thought about tripping and smashing face first into the rock strewn ground, but it quickly passed the further she ran. Tessa could hear Harper running behind her but she’d gotten enough of a start on him that there was no way for him to catch up to her before she reached her roommate. God help his sister if she had harmed Penny. Tessa wasn’t sure what she would do but she knew it wouldn’t be pretty. And at this point she didn’t even care what it would do to her and Harper; if there even was a them .
    By the time she had reached the ten mile mark, Tessa wasn’t even winded, if in fact she could get winded still. Her feet slowed them stilled on the forest ground, the carpet of dead and rotting leaves silencing her footsteps. Only a few feet ahead of her was a clearing, the moonlight pouring down into the meadow and lighting the scene before.
    The field was perfectly circular in shape, ringed with tall majestic looking white oak trees, their branches spreading up and out to complete the circle. They appeared to be ancient, hardy trees, at least ninety to a hundred feet tall, their trunks wide enough that it would take twice her arm span to wrap around any one of them. The leaves were a brilliant green in color; the pure white of the trunks clearly visible in the dark of the night. 
    The trunks were nearly so wide and close together that it was difficult for Tessa to peer into the clearing without getting right up to the trees and peeking around the side of one. In the middle of the clearing was a roaring fire, the flames leaping close to twenty feet high in the air. Before the blaze were two chairs set back to back and sitting in the chairs was an unconscious Penny and Nira, their heads dropping to the rope wrapped tightly around their chests. It made sense now why Nira hadn’t answered her cell phone when Tessa had called; Rowena must have seen them together at the coffee shop and thought that they were closer than they really were. Tessa's finger dug deeply into the bark of the tree, the sight of her two friends in that position setting her blood to boil. What were they even doing here? Penny was supposed to be safely at work and Nira…hell, she barely even knew Nira.
    Before Tessa could rush to their rescue a hand laid across her mouth and a strong arm wrapped around her middle to pull her back away from the tree. She struggled for a moment before realizing it was only Harper, his attention focused on the gap in the trees. Once he was sure she knew it was him, he released her, calmly laying a finger against his lips to remind her to be quiet. Tessa gave a small nod to let him know she understood and would keep silent. Harper slid his cell phone out of his pocket and sent a quick text after silencing the ringer. Tessa shot him a questioning glance and he mouthed his brother’s name back at her. Understanding dawned and, slowly, she nodded again before creeping back up behind the tree to stare at her two friends.

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