Christ, was she really this naïve? “Do ye need to use the restroom?”
She shook her head. “I don‟t think I need to rest.”
“I meant the loo. The W.C.?” When she continued to look at him blankly, he motioned toward the bathroom. “Come, I‟ll show you.”
She followed him into the small room and looked curiously about.
He couldn‟t believe he was having to do this. “Ye‟ve been watching humans for centuries. Ye‟ve never seen one . . . take a piss?” Or make love?
She shook her head. “We never pay attention to bodily functions. As spiritual beings, it‟s not something we can relate to.”
“Well.” He felt his cheeks grow warm. “Ye sit there.” He motioned to the toilet. “And . . .
let it go.”
She nodded. “Interesting.”
“Then ye dry yerself off and flush it all down.” He pointed at the toilet paper and the flushing lever.
“This?” She lightly touched the lever, and the toilet flushed. She jumped back, then laughed. “Look at that! Humans are so clever.”
He blinked. He could have sworn she hadn‟t pushed the lever. He motioned to the sink.
“Then ye wash yer hands.”
She touched the faucet and water gushed out. “Brilliant!” With a grin, she dangled her fingers in the water.
She hadn‟t turned the knob. Connor backed out of the room, stunned. “I‟ll leave you alone, then.”
He closed the door and could hear her humming inside, happy with her new toys. The toilet flushed again.
Holy Christ Almighty! What would happen if she accidentally touched a gun or a crossbow? Angus might decide she was indeed a threat.
He grabbed another bottle of blood from the refrigerator and warmed it up in the microwave. He needed to keep up his strength with Marielle around. He never knew what to expect next. How could an angel of death cause things to work? Was there something magical about her touch? He‟d certainly enjoyed it whenever she touched him.
He heard another flush, then the sound of water. He retrieved his bottle from the microwave. No matter what, he had to hold to his decision. No kissing. No hugging. He wouldn‟t even think about sex. Or how wonderfully well her plump breasts had filled his hands.
He glanced ruefully at his bottle of synthetic blood. What he really needed was some Blissky. The added whisky might numb his desire.
The bathroom door creaked open, and he remained by the sink, purposely not looking at her.
“I believe I did it correctly,” she announced proudly.
“That‟s good.” He guzzled down some blood. Doona think about making love.
“And I discovered something amazing. I have an entire set of female private parts.”
He spewed blood into the sink.
“Connor!” She rushed up to him and placed a hand on his back. “Are you all right?”
God help him, she was going to drive him to despair. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Lass, ye canna say whatever pops into yer mind. There are things we doona talk about.”
“What sort of things?”
“Personal things.” Like an entire set of female private parts. How could he possibly keep that out of his mind?
“I‟m accustomed to sharing all my thoughts with the Heavenly Host, and they with me.”
“Well, humans doona share everything. We like to keep some things . . . private.” Female private parts. Doona think about it!
She frowned. “Like the dark secrets you keep hidden in your heart?”
His mouth thinned. “That and other things.”
She shook her head. “I‟m not sure keeping secrets is a healthy way to live.”
“ ‟Tis the way we are. My friends will be here soon.” He changed the subject and rummaged through some kitchen drawers till he found something he could use. “We need to make you more presentable. Lift yer right arm.”
She did, and he used a chip clip to fasten the loose sides of the sheet together at her hip.
There, that would keep the other guys from seeing more of Marielle than he wanted. Like her
Gini Hartzmark
Suzanne Chazin
Abby Reynolds
Kate Hoffmann
William W. Johnstone
Valerie Young
Sara Stark
Michael Livingston
Anthony Berkeley
Doris Lessing