Vampires Dead Ahead

Vampires Dead Ahead by Cheyenne McCray Page B

Book: Vampires Dead Ahead by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
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it’s your problem.”
    That is so Nymphish, I thought.
    Trixie added, “I don’t care what you want, we’re not answering questions. We don’t have to tell you anything.”
    “Either you can do this nicely,” I said, “or we’ll get the Paranorm Task Force down here. They’ll haul your butts off to the detention center and we’ll question you there … dressed or undressed.”
    Bubbles looked flustered. “You don’t have the authority—”
    “We’re Trackers.” I gave her a long glare. “That gives us all the authority we need.”
    Trixie and Bubbles looked at each other then back at me and Olivia. Fear had started to creep onto their faces.
    “Okay,” Bubbles said.
    Trixie nodded. “That’s fine. Whatever you want. We didn’t know.”
    As soon as they heard that we were Trackers, the amusement left the males’ expressions. Olivia directed the Shifters to get their clothes on and leave or they’d end up in the detention center, too.
    They were gone within seconds, not bothering to get fully dressed. The males just scooped up their clothing and bolted.
    We stepped into the apartment and shut the door behind us.
    “You were seen leaving the Pit last night with Rodán, and now he’s missing.” I narrowed my eyes at the pair as their faces started to pale. “We need to know what happened after you went off with him.”
    “He’s missing?” Trixie’s throat worked as she swallowed. She hurried to add, “We don’t know anything.”
    Bubbles’s eyes widened. “All we did was get him to go there with us.”
    “Shut up, Bubbles.” Trixie narrowed her gaze. “We just walked to the car, right?”
    “Um …” Bubbles shifted her stance like she couldn’t decide how she should stand or what she should do. “Yes.”
    Olivia’s voi clivde ce was deadly, like a cobra ready to strike. “Don’t give us this ‘just walked to the car’ bullshit. Details now or I swear you will look like a couple of beat-up Trolls who no one will ever want to hook up with when I’m done with you.”
    The Nymphs looked at each other.
    “What did you mean when you said ‘all we did was get him to go there with us’? Where is ‘there’?” I asked. My stomach started to feel queasy again. “Tell me everything. And you’d better start this second.”
    “An apartment in the Wall Street area.” Trixie rushed to get the words out. “Like Bubbles said, all we did was get him there.”
    “And give him a tiny drop of potion,” Bubbles said right before Trixie elbowed her.
    “Potion?” Chills ran down my spine. “What did you give Rodán?”
    The Nymphs looked at each other again. “A male and female met with us the day before yesterday,” Trixie said. “They didn’t tell us their names. She said she was one of Rodán’s ‘personal play friends’ and was putting together something fun for him.”
    “He has so many females,” Bubbles added.
    “Somehow they knew that we know Rodán and that we … well, that we enjoy each other’s company,” Trixie said.
    “They told us we needed to get Rodán to that apartment and get him to drink a potion.” Bubbles looked anxious to speak, and this time Trixie didn’t try to stop her. “It was whiteberry potion—but I think they mixed it with something else.”
    “Do you know what whiteberry potion is?” Trixie said. “It’s an aphrodisiac like no other in the world.”
    Bubbles had clasped her hands and was now wringing them, obviously agitated. “They said they added something to it that was supposed to make it better. It was supposed to relax him.”
    “It was all made to be fun for Rodán,” Trixie added.
    The two of them were now talking a mile a minute.
    Bubbles sat on a couch in the messy living room. “It was part of a sexual fantasy of his of being drugged and kidnapped, and to lose all control and to be taken by a male and a female in charge, the female had told us.”
    “Yes,” Trixie said. “We love Rodán and thought it would be fun to

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