floor waiting for her, she stepped into the mirrored elevator with the sound of clicking heels and glanced at her reflection as she pressed the button for the lobby. She was having a good everything day. Her hair was perfectly waved crimson locks and just a little bit longer than she usually allowed it to grow. Her lips a brilliant shade of red against her ivory ever so slightly freckled face. She wore jeans and a fitted black tank top that were dressed up by the red heels she’d grabbed at the last moment. Lexy usually didn’t care about these things but she was on a mission this evening. She was looking for trouble. She stepped out into an empty lobby and strolled out of the sliding doors, her heels clicking on the pavement as she descended the cement stairs towards the pub. As she entered she noticed the brightly painted parrot on the window divider, now the name of the pub made sense. All eyes turned towards her and her breath caught in her chest as her own met with her diabolically naughty companion from the Summit. Tiberius, otherwise referred to as Trouble with a capitol T, appeared to be equally affected by her presence as their eyes locked. He smiled at her. She heard Frost call her name as he signalled her over to the table. Shit. Lexy walked over to the table and sat down.
Frost slid his beer towards her and said, “I’ll go and get another one.” He grinned at her, leaned over and added, “I’m quite surprised Grey let you out of his sight. After you took off at the Summit and didn’t know where you were, he was a hot mess. Did I already tell you this? I honestly can’t remember now.”
Frost was already drunk . She took a sip of the beer and innocently glanced up and replied, “He’s having a nap. I decided to let him sleep.”
Just then, the waitress magically appeared with another drink and passed it to Frost. He beamed and chuckled, “I’ve compelled her to bring me a refill, whenever she notices that my hand is empty.” Frost grinned raised his glass in the air and toasted, “To the badass of the Summit.” They clinked their glasses.
He leaned in again and whispered, “Why don’t you just go over there? I know you want to. I won’t tell.”
She took another sip from her glass and felt out the situation, “Where is everyone else?”
Frost smiled at her and replied, “They went out for something to eat. I just wasn’t in the mood for a big crowd.”
Lexy knew who he was thinking about. “She’s stronger than you think.”
Frost stared into his glass and replied, “I know. I still plan to drown my sorrows until she makes it back out of there.”
Lexy took a sip of her beer and glanced across the room towards Tiberius and their gaze locked. He would be a seriously messed up distraction, but it would be fun. Her pulse raced as visions of their twisted time together at the Summit flickered through her mind. The fact that they’d always despised each other made the situation even more titillating. She licked her bottom lip and bit it without thinking about the visual cues she was giving him. It was going to be difficult to act like she didn’t want him every time the two clans ran into each other . Maybe, if she just did this, the sense of urgency would go away. Lexy turned away as Frost cleared his throat. He was grinning at her.
Frost shook his head and teased, “You know all of this sexual tension makes it painfully obvious. You can talk about it with me. I promise it won’t go any further.”
She knew that it wouldn’t. She also knew he was the one to talk to about these things. Lexy gazed into the glass of amber colored liquid as she replied, “Sometimes, fighting turns me on and there was this pull between us afterwards that made me feel like doing something reckless. It was like he understood that about me. I don’t know, I can’t really explain it.”
Frost whispered, “Believe it or not I understand. That’s how I felt when I was around Chloe. That’s why I
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