Wild Moose Chase

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Book: Wild Moose Chase by Siobhan Rowden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Siobhan Rowden
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to speak.
    â€œThe Great Moose Cheese Chase,” corrected Bert.
    Attila listened closely as Bert told him their whole story, from Cheddar Gorge to Mongolia.
    â€œMoose cheese!” he gasped. “For your queen? Why didn’t you tell me before? I feel honoured to be part of such a courageous quest. But surely everything is not lost, Cam. Your brother still has his moose milk and now you have the rennet.”
    â€œAre you saying we should work together?” sniffed Cam.
    â€œOf course! The men in white suits and the men in doggy suits are working as teams. Why aren’t you?”
    â€œBecause we want to beat each other,” said Bert. “Prove who is the best.”
    Attila frowned and shook his head. “Best at what? Everyone has different strengths – use each other’s to your advantage. While you are fighting, your cheesy neighbour is winning. Is that what you want?”
    The twins shook their heads.
    â€œDo you know how lucky you are?” continued Attila. “Twins have a special connection that begins before birth. You will always have somebody there for you. Family bonds are precious. Use them and you could win. If not, then it will be victory for Mouldy Prim.”
    â€œPrimula Mold,” giggled Cam through her tears.
    â€œYou sound like our grandpa,” said Bert. “He’s always going on about how special twins are.”
    â€œThen maybe you should listen to him. He sounds like a wise man.”
    Bert nodded. He always felt a little pang of guilt when he thought about Gramps.
    â€œHe would love it if we won this together,” said Cam.
    â€œI know,” agreed Bert. “We really would be ‘the incredible Curd twins’ then.”
    â€œShall we do it? For Gramps?”
    â€œOK! Let’s give it a go.”
    Attila smiled approvingly and watched as Zogs and Genghis nudged against the twins like two enormous cats desperate for a stroke.
    â€œMy yaks like you,” he said. “I like you! I want to help with your quest. You may keep all of the rennet. I would only use it for trading. Your need is greater than mine. And if you wish, I can take you to the Kazakhstan border. My tribe is leaving the festival today and travelling west. We are nomadic and never stay longer than a few days in one place.”
    â€œThank you,” cried Cam.
    â€œBut I will take you no further than the border,” said Attila. “I have heard of the deserted salt mines that you talk of. They are haunted by evil spirits and I have no wish to visit.”
    â€œEvil spirits?” repeated Bert. “The Queen never mentioned evil spirits.”
    â€œThe salt mine was built on an ancient Kazakh burial ground,” said Attila. “They say the tunnelling disturbed the spirits and they took their revenge. The mine collapsed into the ground over a hundred years ago but some of the shafts still remain. It is a brave person who dares to descend into the mines. I admire your courage.”
    â€œThanks,” said Cam. She didn’t feel very courageous. If someone as big and bold as Attila was too scared to enter the mines, how would they ever manage it?
    Attila led the twins and the animals back through the festival towards the yak pen. They saw Mr Zola emerging from the rennet tent. His new moustache was about twice the size of his old one. He had obviously had both sides done, as it now curled round in a thick symmetrical bush, covering his entire upper lip and most of his cheeks. He was studying a small red pot.
    â€œMr Zola,” called Cam. “I won a yak race. I’ve got the rennet from the fourth stomach.”
    â€œGood gracious!” said Mr Zola, shoving the pot he was holding in his pocket. “How did you manage to do that? I’ve just been asking about rennet.”
    â€œYou can’t buy it,” said Bert. “You have to earn it. Cool moustache, by the way.”
    Mr Zola proudly twiddled his

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