Witch Is Why Time Stood Still (A Witch P.I. Mystery Book 13)

Witch Is Why Time Stood Still (A Witch P.I. Mystery Book 13) by Adele Abbott Page B

Book: Witch Is Why Time Stood Still (A Witch P.I. Mystery Book 13) by Adele Abbott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adele Abbott
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little more interest, I wouldn’t have had to get involved.”
    “I’ve a good mind to charge you with obstructing the police.”
    “Go ahead. I can’t wait to read the newspaper headlines.”
    “How did you know he’d strike here today? Do you have some inside information? If so, you’d better tell me right now.”
    “Just good old-fashioned detective work. You know, that thing they pay you to do.” I turned to Arnold. “You can tell the other shop owners that they won’t have any more trouble from that scumbag.”
    “Thanks, Jill. I for one appreciate what you’ve done.”
    “Why are you still here?” Riley growled at me. “Get out of my sight, before I do something I’ll regret.”
    “My pleasure.”

Chapter 13
    I’d been unfair on Amber and Pearl when I’d criticised them for letting the rooms in Cuppy C without consulting me. They’d actually succeeded in finding two really nice roommates. I’d decided to pay the newcomers a quick visit to see how they were settling in. And, being the generous soul that I am, I’d bought flowers and chocolates as welcome gifts. The twins had gone out and left their assistants in charge, so I went straight upstairs.
    “What the—?”
    I couldn’t believe my eyes.
    The doors of the two rooms, which now belonged to Laura and Flora, were wide open. Both rooms looked as though they’d been ransacked. There was stuff all over the floor, the bed and the cupboards. Someone must have broken in. What would the poor girls think so soon after they’d moved in? I hoped they were all right.
    “Flora! Laura!”
    “Jill, is that you?” The voice came from my room. “We’re in here!”
    I walked back down the corridor, and pushed open the door. Laura and Flora were sitting on my bed—drinking and smoking!
    “What’s going on in here?”
    “Do you want a drink, Jill?” Flora hiccupped.
    “No. I don’t want a drink.”
    “ Cigarette?”
    “No. You can’t smoke in here.”
    “ Why not?”
    “This is my room.”
    “But we’re all roommates now, aren’t we?” Flora took a drag of her cigarette. “Share and share alike?”
    “That’s not how it works. Your rooms are down the corridor. This is my room.”
    They shrugged.
    “Anyway, what happened to your rooms? It looks like a bomb has dropped in there.”
    They shrugged again, and then giggled.
    “I’m not standing for this. I’m going to tell the twins.”
    “See if we care.” Flora shrugged—shrugging seemed to be her thing.
    “Ooh! You brought us chocolates,” Laura said. “Oh, look, and flowers.”
    “No, I haven’t.” I slammed the door shut, went downstairs, and had a word with one of the assistants.
    “Do you know how long Amber and Pearl will be?”
    “They said they were going shopping, so they could be some time.”
    “Would you ask them to call me as soon as they get back?”
    “Yeah, okay.”
    I wasn’t going to stand for this. Those two little madams had to go. When the twins had introduced them, they’d been all sweetness and light. Now, they’d turned into the roommates from hell. Smoking, drinking, ransacking the place, and using my room without permission. Just wait until I’d spoken to the twins. Flora and Laura would be out on their backsides before the end of the day.
    My status as ‘the most powerful witch in Candlefield’ could be rather embarrassing, but it did have some benefits. I’d found that a lot of people were more willing to talk to me than they might otherwise have been.
    Over the previous two days, I’d found out everything I could about the synthetic blood manufacture and distribution operations. One company was responsible for the manufacture—that company was a non-profit organisation that answered directly to the Vampire Council. Their quality control systems were of the highest standard, having been much improved after the earlier incident, which Maxine Jewell had alluded to. It was difficult to see how poison could have been added

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