Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series)

Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series) by Marie Higgins Page B

Book: Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series) by Marie Higgins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Higgins
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slightly better than I did last night,” she lied.
    Frowning, Anna folded her arms. “Well, all right, if you insist.”
    “I do,” Emmie whispered.
    When the two women left, Emmie groaned and turned in her bed, pulling the blanket up higher. She needed rest badly.
    By mid-afternoon, she was back to feeling normal. It was strange that the stomach ailment would affect her in such a way. But thankfully, she seemed much better now. And…her mind was working because she knew Rebecca had put something in Emmie’s tea to make her so sick. That was the reason the insufferable woman had acted the way she had.
    On the second day, she decided she wasn’t going to sit around and be bored, but she would do something instead. She changed into her riding habit—not Anna’s, but hers —and left the house. This particular riding habit wasn’t as new as her others, but because it had been her favorite for over a year, it was well worn, so she didn’t think any of the Hampton’s servants would question why she was wearing one of Lady Sarah’s outfits.
    Emmie ran right to the stables. As she entered, the stable boy stood talking to another person, and because of where they stood, she couldn’t see who it was...until she moved closer and noticed Gabe. His gaze met hers, holding her prisoner. It was too late to leave now.
    Staring at him nearly caused her to have heart palpitations. Every time she’d seen him before, he was dressed in fancier clothes. Now he looked more like a farmer, yet…he was absolutely breathtaking in his fawn colored shirt and black breeches, and black knee-high riding boots. His good looks had fascinated her so much her feet wouldn’t move to take her away from here.
    He stopped the conversation with the stable boy who then turned to fetch a horse. Gabe smiled at her, so she returned the gesture. She still felt uncomfortable under his close scrutiny, but tried to be polite, nonetheless.
    “Good day, Miss Emmie. What are you doing here?” he asked.
    “I have come to ride one of Mr. Hampton’s horses.”
    He lifted an eyebrow in disbelief. “Indeed? Have you done this before?”
    “Yes. Surprisingly, Mr. Hampton gave me permission not long after our game on the lawn with your family.”
    “That does surprise me.” Slowly his smile widened. “But it is also good news. Now we can ride together.”
    Her heart pounded with uncertainty, yet the idea did sound exciting. It was either that or be very bored. “Why didn’t you travel to Manchester with your aunt and uncle yesterday?”
    Tapping the whip against his thigh in a steady rhythm, he moved closer. “I can do without big cities, and most especially the people there. They are just a bunch of gossipmongers if you ask me.” He paused, tilting his head as he studied her. “Why didn’t you go? I heard my aunt and uncle are taking Lady Sarah to the opera. Won’t you need to assist her?”
    She shrugged. “According to your cousin, her maid will suffice just nicely for both of them. Miss Hampton was determined that I shouldn’t go with Lady Sarah.”
    He stood beside her now. His gaze roamed slowly over her face, making butterflies dance in her stomach. Taking a deep breath of courage, she inhaled his intoxicating scent. A mixture of leather and spice.
    “I must apologize for my cousin. She can be very manipulative sometimes.”
    She arched an eyebrow. “Sometimes?”
    He chuckled. “You are correct. She is manipulative all the time.”
    “Indeed, she is.”
    “You look disappointed that you were not able to go,” he said.
    She nodded. “I too, have never seen Manchester. I would have found the excursion there most pleasing. It would have been nice to partake of the scenery and pleasures.”
    “Maybe someday you will.”
    She shrugged. “Perhaps.”
    There was silence between them for the next few moments. Gabe glanced at her a few

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