Wrecked: A Stepbrother Romance Novel

Wrecked: A Stepbrother Romance Novel by Arabella Abbing Page A

Book: Wrecked: A Stepbrother Romance Novel by Arabella Abbing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arabella Abbing
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felt like I was moving in slow motion. The closer I got, the wider his eyes got until our lips finally met and they fluttered closed. I let go of his hand and softly moaned when he slid it behind my neck, his other strong arm wrapping behind my back and pulling me flush against him. Our lips moved together as he leaned us back, ending with me sprawled across his chest as he laid in the sand and kissed me.
    More memories from teenage years began to pop up, but I shoved them away as soon as they surfaced, determined to stay in the present. Back then, I let my awkward feelings about being related to Brandon by marriage ruin what could have possibly been the best thing that ever happened to me and I wasn’t about to let those feelings determine wherever we would go from here. Things were different now. I was different.
    I cupped his face with both hands and slid my legs to straddle his waist, smiling against his lips when he gasped with pleasure. I felt him smile back for a moment before he recaptured my lips, slipping his tongue out to sensually caress mine.
    To say I was turned on would’ve been a hell of an understatement, but after a few more minutes of the most passionate make out session we’d shared to date, I somehow found the strength to pull away. He made a soft sound of protest, looking up at me with furrowed brows and sad eyes as I sat up on my knees.
    “Is something wrong?” he asked as he propped himself up on his elbows.
    “For the first time in a long time, I can honestly say that everything is right.”
    He half-smiled and cocked his head to the side before he asked, “Then why did you stop?”
    “Because you have an early surgery tomorrow morning and if I don’t stop now, I won’t be able to stop at all.”
    Brandon’s eyes widened for a moment, as if the realization of what was bound to happen next hadn’t fully hit him. That in itself wasn’t the troubling part; it was the hint of fear that was easily recognizable to me that raised my internal flags.
    “Hey, what’s the matter?”
    “Nothing at all,” he said dismissively, pushing himself up and gently nudging me off his lap. As he moved to stand up, he continued, “But you’re right. I really should grab something to eat and try to get some rest. Big day tomorrow.”
    With a furrowed brow, I followed suit and stood up, dusting the sand off my legs and dress. Brandon turned away from me then paused, glancing back and reaching a hand out to me. I silently wondered if the gesture was because he simply wanted to hold my hand, or if it was supposed to be some kind of apology for his strange behavior.
    Either way, I took it, unable to keep the small smile off my face as we slowly walked down the beach together.
    “ H ow long will he be out for?”
    “I’m administering enough anesthesia to keep him under for eight hours. Dr. Shaw expects to have the surgery wrapped up in five, but he wanted a large window for the possibility of unforeseen complications.”
    I nodded and quietly thanked the woman before she walked away, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
    But I wasn’t alone for long.
    Brandon entered the room in a far more luxurious version of the standard hospital gown and plopped down on the operation table, nervously twisting his hands together as the doctor and his assistants discussed the final details of the surgery on the opposite side of the room.
    “Are you okay?”
    He looked up at me like he hadn’t even realized I was there, but managed to crack a half-smile for me anyways. He nodded slightly, his cheeks turning pink under my scrutiny.
    “You’re sure?” I gently prodded.
    “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just... thinking. Trying to distract myself.”
    “What are you thinking about?”
    The blush deepened and he looked down at his intertwined hands. “That I wish I had kissed you this morning before everyone showed up.”
    It was my turn to blush now. After our walk back to the house the night before, we had decided to have

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