2nd Earth: Shortfall

2nd Earth: Shortfall by Edward Vought Page A

Book: 2nd Earth: Shortfall by Edward Vought Read Free Book Online
Authors: Edward Vought
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and Robin feel like baking bread again, so I head over to the barn that is across from our house to check out the equipment, and see if I can figure out what it is used for. I am actually getting pretty good at guessing what most of it is. Sometimes I get lucky and there is a picture on the side of what it is used on. I am working on straightening and cleaning the loft in the barn when I could swear I hear motorcycles coming down the road. It only lasts for a few seconds then it is gone so I figure it must be my imagination and go back to work. In a few minutes it sounds like we are under attack out in the yard. I am in the loft so I run to the door facing the house and look out into the yard.
    I am surprised to see several really rough looking men chasing the women around the yard with them screaming. I start to head out of the barn when I see someone come out of our house dragging Dayna and another rough looking man has Robin by the arm. They are laughing and sneering watching what is going on. Some of the men have caught girls or women and are treating them pretty rough. I decide I don’t have time to get down there so I grab the .307 I have in the loft just in case something like this should happen and sight on the one holding Dayna. In the mean time, several of our men have come out of the houses with shotguns or rifles, and they are telling the men to let the women go. The one holding Dayna tells them to throw down their guns and they won’t kill them, then he laughs and says, yet.
    I have to give our men credit, they stand their ground and do what Tim and I taught them. Tom, Dayna’s father, is acting as the leader. He asks the others who they are shooting on his signal. The guy on the porch has a gun in his hand and is bringing it to bear on Tom, Dayna is looking at me in the doorway of the loft, but no one else seems to notice. I motion for her to move her head to the left, she does it and I fire taking the guy holding her right over his left eye. That concerns me because I was aiming right between his eyes. Anyway, that is a signal for the others. We have discussed this type of situation and what to do in case it ever came up. The girls do exactly what we taught them, they drop as soon as they hear the report of my gun and the men fire instantly at the would-be attackers. I shift my gun a few inches and take the one holding Robin. He sure had a surprised look on his face when he died.
    I know this may sound very cold blooded to some of you, and you are probably thinking we should have tried to talk it over and come to an agreement. If there was some form of organized law, and if we could count on that law to protect us, I may agree with you. Having spent my life in the military since I was eighteen, I have seen many examples of mans inhumanity toward man. I have seen trained soldiers die because they hesitated to pull the trigger, because killing is not an easy thing to do, and they couldn’t believe that it was the only solution. In our case, the men that attacked our family had only their own lust and greed in mind and would have killed us off hand if they would have gotten the chance. What they would have done to the women is not something I like to think about. I am sure they would have killed them when they were through with them as well. The only thing that really bothers me about the violence that just took place, is that now I have to stop what I was doing, and get the backhoe started so I can dig some graves.
    I hurry down to make sure everybody is okay now. When I get to the yard I can see that all of the attackers are clearly dead. We were very lucky this time. The only injuries are minor cuts and bruises to the women and girls that were treated roughly by the attackers. I tell the men to stand by with their guns just in case they have friends following them. Dayna and Robin run to me and give me a big hug. They both say that they were only scared until the men dragged them outside, then they knew I

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