would take care of the situation. I look toward the road leading to our homes and I can see motorcycles parked at the end of that road. That explains hearing them. I was beginning to think it was my imagination. I ask the girls what happened just so I can understand the attack better. Dayna recounts the events as she saw them.
“Robin and I were in the kitchen grinding wheat to make some bread for dinner tonight. We thought we heard loud motor noises, but they stopped so abruptly that we figured it was probably our imagination. We continued working when suddenly those two very dirty men rushed in and caught us totally by surprise. We had no doubts what they wanted, they told us what they were going to do to us, and said if we are nice to them they may not kill us right off. I have to admit I was pretty scared until they dragged us out on the porch and we saw the others chasing the other girls in the yard. I saw you looking out the doorway to the loft and knew everything would be okay, and when the other men came out in the yard armed with guns, there was no doubt in my mind.”
Robin agrees with everything Dayna says, she says she was so afraid she couldn’t think straight, but like Dayna, when they were taken outside she knew everything would be okay. The men in the yard tell me that one of the young girls came running into Tom’s house and told them what was happening, so they sent someone out the back door to get the others and they all grabbed guns and came out. The rest I witnessed and participated in. Tom says that he is glad I fired first, because he wasn’t sure whether or not they should fire or try to work it out.
“We all remembered that you taught us that if we are attacked to shoot first and ask questions afterward. We did exactly what you and Tim taught us, we each picked a target and when you shot the one holding Dayna, we figured it was time to fire.”
I tell them they did a great job and that I understand how difficult it can be, realizing that you have to do something that drastic just to survive. They all tell me they have no doubt that if they hadn’t done what they did, then they would be the ones laying in the dirt now, and our women would be left for them to sexually assault at will. Not only that, but they probably would have killed the others when they return from town. No, the only regrets they have, is that there are men out there that only understand that kind of law. We get the backhoe started and dig a large grave for the bodies. We go through their pockets looking for some kind of identification, but there is nothing, so we put seven unknown men buried in this spot and the date. Some of the guys ask if they can have the motorcycles, so I tell them I can’t see why not, I doubt if anyone else is going to claim them.
When everything is cleaned up we all go back to what we were doing before the violence. That’s the thing about violence. It usually happens very quickly and without warning and is usually over almost just as quickly, if you are lucky. Sometimes it gets dragged out in the form of torture or serious injury, but when it is over, life goes on whether with us or without us. I think that’s what bothers a lot people the most. It is hard to believe that everyone doesn’t feel the way they do.
I go back to cleaning the loft and getting it better organized. I find all kinds of useful tools and even some old magazines, the kind Ma Horton tanned my hide for looking at when I was a kid. It seems like I am just getting started when I hear the sound of vehicles in the yard. I look out again only this time I am relieved to see that it is our family members returning. The girls are telling them what happened earlier. Tim and Billy look at me expecting me to say they are kidding, but I tell them exactly what happened. They are sorry they were away, but I assure them our family handled it as well as any SEAL team I ever worked with. This praise makes them feel good. They are in a hurry
Alexandra Fuller
Sarina Wilde
Hans Fallada
Kathryn Lasky
Olivia Miles
Kage Baker
Bennett Madison
Gail Koger
Ashley Grace
Charles Arnold