attack? Getting to the wall she just left, I watch her with rapt attention. She gives signals, takes strategic shots, all the while covering her team behind her, therefore leaving herself vulnerable on the front lines. Taking a deep breath I settle in to see what she does next. Two feelings were fighting inside me of at watching in her: pride and lust. She was fucking magnificent.
From behind the barrel protecting her, she calls out, “Cover me! I’m surrounded!” and that was the moment the game ended and saving her from a threat was my mission. Looking over my shoulder, I got bogies coming in hot a three and five o’clock with heavy fire. She throws another grenade to buy herself some time, but there’s too many and her rifle is jammed.
Sacrificing my life for hers isn’t even a question. It’s what any good Marine does. It’s what a man who cares for a woman does. It’s what I would do for her.
So that’s what I did.
‘Men will do dumb shit to impress a woman; they’ll also do honorable shit to protect her too. Pay attention to who displays honor, Junior.’
~Senior Reynolds
Wanting to impress my Marine, I took off like a shot getting in position on the far left interior wall. Once the other team started to advance there was a barrel just outside of the castle with my name on it. I look back once and see him across the castle watching me, so throwing him a daring smile I attempt to show off. I leave the safety of my wall for the advantage of the barrel. It’s true this was my world, but the man staring at me lived the real thing. I loved airsoft, it’s the best adrenaline rush I could get that was fairly affordable and fun. The weapons are made to look real but in reality they shoot pellets. Now if you get hit right they even sting a bit, mostly you hardly notice unless it’s a face shot. Airsoft is one of those hobbies where adults get to play dress up and shoot at people for fun. It wasn’t the real thing and I respected those that made the sacrifice.
With my back to the barrel, I get my own rifle ready for the guys who will come up on my left side in an effort to take me out to gain entrance to the castle. Firing several rounds, I’m able to take out three players but then my rifle jammed and they used the delay to bring the waiting players in. Playing in a sports bra also sucked. Not only was gun jammed my boob fell out to, I could feel it overflowing. My hands were too sweaty to reach in there and now I had two problems, fixing my wardrobe malfunction and staying alive. Yelling for cover, I toss a grenade hoping to buy some time so I can get the pellet jamming my rifle out before I’m taken out. My team provides cover but when I look off to my right I see six more coming. Aw shit, I’m about to get blown up with my boob hanging out.
Looking for another grenade and then looking for Loyal to toss me one, I see him on the wall I vacated and he looked miles away. Needing a better spot to fix my malfunction, I decided to take my chances at being hit in effort to fix my shit. Just as I prepare to make a run for it, from out of nowhere I’m literally thrown to my back by two hundred twenty pounds of pure Marine.
Trying to move is impossible. I say his name but he doesn’t answer. Using one arm he reaches into his vest, launching grenade after grenade and though part of me wondered if this was a ploy to touch me, the other part knew that for him this was no longer a game. And it was that revelation broke my heart.
Freeing my hands of my gloves I cup his face calling his name, but he still doesn’t hear me. All I can hear is heavy breathing and all I can feel is his body quaking over mine. I’ve seen this happen to Senior. Right now, Loyal, in his mind, was in combat. I was in danger and he was protecting me.
Throwing my mask and goggles back, I yell for him again and get no response. With all my strength I pull his mouth to mine and gave him the most punishing kiss I could, hoping it
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