Interstate into ranching country she could smell cattle and hay and horses.
She was more than glad to finally be out of the rundown motel where she’d been hiding for a week. But she’d had to pick someplace where Andrew wouldn’t think to look for her. Someplace also that had units in the back where she could park and not be visible from the road.
Things hadn’t started out that way. In fact, it had begun so normally she had been completely fooled by Andrew Lockner’s attitude. He was smart, sexy, rich, powerful, and a much sought after Dom. It was only later—too much later—that it occurred to her she never heard any of his prior subs raving about him. In fact, most of them seemed to have disappeared from the scene.
His behavior had changed so slowly and subtly she hadn’t realized it until it was almost too late. The level of control increased so insidiously she was trapped before she realized it. First the exciting scenes at the club, with Andrew the attentive, inventive Dom. Then the scenes at home, where they could play their games in private.
Oh, yes, he took full advantage of their privacy. Like the night he’d made her sleep with clothespins on her nipples. She’d had to put cool packs in her bra for three days.
Or the time he decided she wasn’t subservient enough to him and made her spend an entire twenty-four hours of the weekend on her knees. Naked. She loved pain at different levels. It kicked loose all her pheromones and made her crazy with need. But this pain was so excruciating it breeched all her boundaries and she nearly passed out from it. And Andrew, the slime ball, had slipped on his other face, running a hot bath for her and massaging her tortured muscles. She learned after a while not to beg for relief because that only excited him more.
And each time he told her, in a deceptively calm voice, everything she had done to deserve her punishment. Chipping away at her sense of self-worth a little at a time.
As time passed his control increased, until after a while she nearly forgot who she was. Even her work began to be affected, as her boss was quick, but kind, to point out to her. The day she looked in the mirror and didn’t even recognize the person she saw she knew it was time to leave. How, she asked herself, had she ever imagined she was in love with him? How could it be that by day she could be a top-notch marketing expert with a well-known agency and the rest of the time a cowering mess?
Still, leaving had taken more courage than she believed she had. She planned well, however, packing what she could when Andrew wasn’t home. Clearing out what there was in her checking account. Tossing her cell phone and buying two burner phones. Thank God for police programs on television!
She was sure Andrew would not try to find her. That would take more effort on his part than he would want to exert. No, he’d be on to the next unsuspecting sub, twisting her up in his silken web until she was tied so tight she didn’t know if she could get out.
She had no idea where she was going to end up, she just knew it wouldn’t be in Dallas. And as she drove, she thought about her options. She really loved Texas. Like so many people born here, it was in her blood, just as being a submissive was. Maybe in San Antonio, with its rich historical culture and its atmosphere so different than Dallas, she’d find what she needed—peace of mind, a great new job and a Dom who respected her.
Because one thing was for sure. At some point she would need to dip her toe into those waters again. Only this time she’d choose more wisely, guarding both her body and her heart.
Chapter One
I can do this. I can do this.
Sage repeated the sentence over and over to herself as she walked from her parked car to the door of Club Fantasy. Dipping her toe in the scene again after months of absence had been a little scary. No matter how badly she wanted it, she hadn’t been sure she could
Elizabeth Brundage
John Case
Kathryn Harvey
Grace Carol
Lauren McMinn
David Shade
Catherine Ryan Hyde
Becca Jameson
Ani Alexander
Laura Matthews