
9781631055874TexasHoldEmHoltNC by Desiree Holt Page B

Book: 9781631055874TexasHoldEmHoltNC by Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
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handle it after Andrew. However, she’d given in to the craving and taken a chance. Club Fantasy had been recommended by the owner of her club in Dallas. Knowing he was familiar with her background, she was also aware he would fill Reulas, the Dungeon Master, in so she could be properly cared for.
    Reulas had made her feel at home right from the beginning. Safe. And welcome. Very welcome. That was the atmosphere he created and she had no reason in all this time to believe anything differently. And he always took very good care of her, letting her visit and observe, making sure no one approached her unless she wanted them to. And each time she visited, she felt a little bit better about being there.
    Her new life had turned out to be better than expected. Good job. Nice apartment. Even a few casual friends, although she was very careful not to share anything of her true self with them. People not in the life had a hard time understanding. She had thought about staying away from it completely, but it was so ingrained in her that she felt as if she was only living half a life.
    Visiting Club Fantasy had taken courage the first time. The fear and diminished self-worth Andrew had left her with still clung to her but it grew less and less each day. For three months now she had come here once a week, sitting in the lounge, sipping a cold drink or coffee and chatting with the members and guests.
    She hadn’t played in a scene yet. Tonight she had finally decided it was time to step out of her self-imposed exile where active play was concerned. She wanted to submit. It was in her blood. The big question was, could she after the damage Andrew had done to her?
    “I will take very good care of you,” Reulas assured her several times. “You are safe in my hands as you will be with the Dom I will choose for you. Whenever you are ready.”
    She certainly hoped so. She wasn’t stupid enough to believe she would find instant love inside the walls of Club Fantasy. She had made that mistake with Andrew, equating total dominance with total dedication. Then it had all fallen apart and left her running from an intolerable situation.  She would be on guard that it didn’t happen again.
    Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, she pushed open the door and walked into the sensuous environment of Club Fantasy. Lila, the greeter who checked in the guests and the members, greeted her with a smile.
    “Good evening, Sage. It’s so nice to see you tonight.”
    “Thank you.”
    “Reulas is waiting for you in the lounge,” the woman told her. “He has a special evening planned for you.”
    “I’m looking forward to it,” Sage replied.
    And she was, albeit with a huge case of nerves. She stepped into the dressing room area and found a locker where she stashed her coat and purse. One last look in the mirror, one last fluff of her hair, a check of her bustier and thong and she headed toward the lounge. Reulas was lounging against a wall but came forward as soon as he spotted her.
    “I’m so glad you didn’t change your mind,” he said, taking both of her hands. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
    “I’m trusting you, you know.”
    “I do.” He squeezed her hands. “And I won’t let you down. Come. I have someone for you to meet.”
    “Already? I thought—” She broke off her words.
    “Thought what?” Reulas cocked an eyebrow at her. “That I’d just point out my recommendations to you and let you watch them at play for a while?”
    She gave an unsteady little laugh. “Well, yes. I guess.”
    “If you’re ready to move forward, Sage, then you need to take that step. If not, just tell me and we can spend a pleasant evening with you observing. There is a performance scheduled later that you might enjoy.”
    Sage nibbled her lip. If she changed her mind now, when would she get the courage to do it again? She’d let fear keep her from the role of submissive too long already. She wanted this. Needed it. So it was time

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