size of a baseball. He felt bullets whistle past his head. He looked back and saw the four white cops shooting at him and his men’s direction. He ran behind a tree for cover. “Smoke, Smoke!” J-Rock yelled.
Smoke lay’s in the grass trying to get a good aim on Black Ice, but couldn’t because he was using the bench for cover. “Yo, Smoke!” J-Rock yelled again.
Smoke looked over to see J-Rock calling for him and then saw the cops running towards them shooting.
“Grab the bag with the money and be out. Tell Juice to go after Black Ice.” J-Rock yelled once he got Smoke’s attention.
Juice was J-Rocks last gunmen and he was ducking in a bush reloading his gun.
“Yo, Juice, you heard him.” Smoke yelled at Juice.
Black Ice saw the four cops come and he was thankful because he was out of bullets. He used this opportunity and took off running.
“Follow him, Juice. Don’t let him get away.” Smoke said as Juice took off running after Black Ice. Smoke got up and ran for the brown bag. A bullet hit him in the leg.
He grabbed the back of his leg and fired back at the cops making them duck and roll for cover. Smoke picked up the bag and ran to the nearest building. He ran through the lobby and knocked on a door inside. An old lady opened the door and Smoke shoved his way in. “Don’t say shit and I won’t shoot you grandma” Smoke said to the lady while pointing his gun at her and locking the door behind him.
J-Rock took off running across the street. “They’re running.” One of the cops said to the others. “I’ll follow the one going across the street. You guys go after the others.”
Juice ran as fast as he could to catch Black Ice. He saw him turn the corner around the building. Black Ice leaned on the building and quickly reloaded his guns.
Juice was so busy trying to catch Black Ice he forgot about the cops that were chasing after him. Juice turned the corner of the building and something told him to turn his head to the side. He looked and saw Black Ice leaning against the wall with the guns pointed at him. Black Ice fired and watched as the shots ripped through Juice’s body from the back and came out the front of him.
The bullets sprayed in his chest and tore through his insides. Black Ice watched his body fall to the ground.
“We got another one.” One of the cops yelled as the three of them approached.
“Wait he is still moving.” One of the cops said when he looked down and fired three shots into Juice’s body while he was on the ground dying. Something caught the attention to one of the cops. He looked up at the side of the building to see Black Ice standing there with the guns pointing in their direction. “Move!” the cop yelled to his partner while he dived for cover. The warning came too late. Black Ice sent rapid fire toward the cop’s bodies. They twisted and jerked as the bullets ripped through their bodies and faces like paper. They fell over dead right on top of Juice’s body. The young cop lifted his head and looked up to see that his partners were dead and saw Black Ice run into the building. He grabbed the radio on his shoulder and pressed the button and said, “Officers down. I repeat Officers down. I need an ambulance and back up in Brownsville Projects.” He requested as tears ran down his face. He got up slowly to run after Black Ice who ran into the building.
Chapter 18
Black Ice ran up the stairs to the second floor and laughed. A sense of pleasure overwhelmed him when he saw the cops fall over dead. He ran down the long hallway to the back stairway and ran down the stairs to the back exits of the building.
He could hear the sirens of more police cars arriving around the building. He quickly went to the next building and ran up to the fourth floor and knocked on apartment 4C of the building. The door opened, “Ray Ray move let me in.” Black Ice shoved his way in the door. Ray Ray locked the door behind him.
The young police officer lost Black Ice
Ramsey Campbell
Ava Armstrong
Jenika Snow
Susan Hayes
A.D. Bloom
Robert Wilde
Mariah Stewart
Maddy Edwards
Don Pendleton
Sulari Gentill