A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring)

A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring) by Morgan Rice

Book: A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring) by Morgan Rice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Rice
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and his lance brushed off the shield of a
competitor. They clanged, and the other knight’s lance struck, and Elmalkin
went flying backwards, landing on his back. The crowd cheered.
immediately gathered himself, though, jumping to his feet, spinning around, and
reaching out a hand to his squire, who stood beside Thor.
mace!” the knight yelled out.
squire next to Thor jumped into action, grabbing a mace off the weapons rack
and sprinting out towards the center of the lane. He ran toward Elmalkin, but
the other knight had circled back and was charging again. Just as the squire
reached him to placing the mace into his master’s hand, the other knight
thundered down upon them. The squire did not reach Elmalkin in time: the other
knight brought his lance down—and as he did, his lance sideswiped the squire’s
head. The squire, reeling from the blow, spun around quickly and went down to
the dirt, face first.
did not move. Thor could see blood oozing from his head, even from here,
staining the dirt.
not a pretty sight, is it?”
turned to see Feithgold standing beside him, staring back.
yourself, boy. This is battle. And we’re right in the middle of it.”
crowd suddenly grew quiet, as the main jousting lane was opened. Thor could
sense anticipation in the air, as all the other jousts stopped in anticipation
of this one. On one side, out came Kendrick, walking out on his horse, lance in
the far side, facing him, out walked a knight in the distinctive armor of the
versus McClouds,” Feithgold whispered to Thor. “We’ve been at war for a
thousand years. And I very much doubt this match will settle it.”
knight lowered his visor, a horn sounded, and with a shout, the two charged
each other.
was amazed at how much speed they picked up, and moments later they collided
with such a clang, Thor nearly raised his hands to his ears. The crowd gasped
as both fighters fell from their horses.
each jumped to their feet and threw off their helmets, as their squires ran out
to them, handing them short swords. The two knights sparred with all they had.
Watching Kendrick swing and slash mesmerized Thor: it was a thing of beauty.
But the McCloud was a fine warrior, too. Back and forth they went, each
exhausting the other, neither giving ground.
their swords met in one momentous clash, and they each knocked each other’s
swords from their hands. Their squires ran out, maces in hand, but as Kendrick
reached for his mace, the McCloud’s squire ran up behind him and struck him in
the back with his own weapon, the blow sending him to the ground, to the
horrified gasp of the crowd.
McCloud knight retrieved his sword, stepped forward, and pointed it at
Kendrick’s throat, pinning him to the ground. Kendrick was left with no choice.
concede!” he yelled.
was a victorious shout among the McClouds—but a shout of anger from the
cheated!” yelled out the MacGils.
cheated! He cheated!” echoed a chorus of angry cries.
mob was getting angrier and angrier, and soon there was such a chorus of
protests that the mob began to disperse, and both sides—the MacGils and
McClouds—began to approach each other on foot.
isn’t good,” Feithgold said to Thor, as they stood on the side, watching.
later, the crowd erupted: blows were thrown, and it became an all-out brawl. It
was chaos. Men were swinging wildly, grabbing each other in locks, driving each
other to the ground. The crowd swelled and it threatened to blow up into an
all-out war.
horn sounded and guards from both sides marched in, managing to split up the crowd.
Another louder horn sounded, and silence fell as King MacGil stood from his
will be no skirmishers today!” he boomed in his kingly voice. “Not on this day
of celebration! And not in my court!”
the crowd

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