According to Legend

According to Legend by Gerri Brousseau

Book: According to Legend by Gerri Brousseau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerri Brousseau
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up instantly and the fur on his neck rose. The catcher came to life over my heart.
    I know those voices, Half-Breed said in a mere a whisper.
    Who is it, Half-Breed?
    Shhhh. Don’t say a word. It’s David and that cop that I don’t trust.
    Do you think we’re in danger?
    Princess, we are always in danger, but with any luck they won’t even know we are here.
    As they drew closer their voices grew louder and the conversation became clear.
    “You met with her today, right?” David asked.
    Half-Breed, that ‘her’ has to be me .
    Yes, I’m sure you’re right.
    Half-Breed, I’m afraid. We should hide.
    Shhh. Stay still and very quiet.
    “Yeah,” Williamson answered. “I met with her this morning.”
    “Were you able to get her to tell you where she’s staying?” David probed.
    “No, she wouldn’t say, but she did say she was going back home tonight.”
    They were so close now that I thought certainly they would hear my heart thundering. Half-Breed sensed this. Stay calm. They don’t expect us here and are so focused on their conversation, perhaps they won’t notice us.”
    “No problem,” David continued. “Remember that GPS chip you gave me?”
    “Well, I made good use of it. No matter where she goes, we’ll find her.”
    The hair on the back of my neck rose as a new wave of fear passed through me. Half-Breed, they’re tracking me, as if I’m a criminal. What does this all mean? What’s going on?
    Princess, please focus. You have to stay very still and silent. Please, the wolf pleaded.
    “Good thinking, but she’s got protection. What the heck did you give her that wolf for?” Williamson asked.
    “Relax, I had to play the game. Besides, the wolf knows me. He’s not a problem.”
    “What do you mean he’s not a problem? Are you sure? He’s pretty big.”
    “If he gets in the way, I’ll just get rid of him.”
    “I’ll just say he went crazy and I had to, I don’t know ... shoot him.” Williamson chuckled.
    “Shoot him!”
    “Yeah. After all, the crazy animal did jump through the plate glass window at your kennel!”
    How dare he? I thought. Half-Breed, this isn’t David, not the David I know. David would never allow such a thing. He . . . How? It can’t be.
    I’m sorry, Princess.
    I crouched down, threw my arms around Half-Breed’s neck, and buried my face in his fur. My entire body shook and my heart hammered in my chest.
    “You know,” Williamson continued, “we really blew it the other night. We could have nabbed her, but she made that 911 call and with Martin driving we had no choice but to respond. When will you see her again?”
    “She said after tomorrow. That’s when the alarm is getting installed,” David said.
    I wanted to run, but I knew I would not be able to get away from these two men.
    “Do you think you can get into the house tonight before the alarm is in and have a good look around?” the officer asked.
    “I could, but it’s a waste of time.”
    “How so?”
    “I think she has the stone on her. She wears it on a piece or rawhide around her neck,” David answered.
    A scream rose to my throat and I covered my mouth with one hand to stifle it while my other hand went protectively to the dream catcher. I felt trapped and couldn’t breathe. I forced myself to focus. Panic was not an option.
    “She said she was staying at the house tonight so if she’s wearing it why not just get in there, overpower her, grab it, and get rid of the evidence?” the officer asked.
    Half-Breed, they’re going to kill me .
    “Too messy. Can’t we just do this my way?” David asked as the two men passed by the bushes directly behind me.
    Be very quite. Don’t even breathe, Half-Breed warned.
    “With that GPS in place, we’ll get the chance to check things out. Maybe she’ll get careless and take the stone off,” Williamson said. Then after a moment of silence, he continued. “So, hot shot, you have a plan for getting that

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