healthier, as they had been when they were in the prime of life. Interestingly, the people with them were usually (though not always) also described as youthful, in good condition, and in the prime of life. Often the detailed descriptions they gave of these people were as they had looked before they had grown old and sick. Even though they were in spirit and were no longer actually in their physical bodies, they usually presented themselves in the form their loved ones recognized from when they were alive in the physical world.
The animals always described the Other Side as a very beautiful, wonderful place. They had a feeling of peace and tranquility, and they were very happy and felt very loved. They often described beautiful outdoor scenes, where they were playing and running free. If not outdoors, they seemed to be in whatever environment or situation would make that particular animal the most happy and comfortable. Basically, they were describing Heaven.
The animals on the Other Side often communicated that they felt no real separation from their loved ones on this side, and that they were still very much connected to their people here. They described the physical body as merely a temporary vehicle for the spirit. Often, they continued to hang around their former home quite a bit for some time after physical death, as they got used to living in spirit. No matter where they were or what they were doing on the Other Side, they still always had the ability to connect with those of us in the physical world.
These messages from the Other Side have been immensely comforting to many people who have lost a beloved animal. Although I admittedly was very skeptical at first and did put quite a few animal communicators to the test, I strongly encourage people to approach animal communication with an open-minded attitude. If you approach it with a lot of skepticism or sarcasm, this can often make the animal communicator nervous, thereby negatively affecting the accuracy and helpfulness of the session. It’s sort of like suddenly becoming unable to type or speak clearly when your boss is looking over your shoulder. We’re all human, and we can become nervous (and therefore, our effectiveness can be compromised) when we feel we are being scrutinized. So, for their sake and yours, please bear that in mind when first exploring telepathic animal communication for yourself.
I have done enough research and have had enough experience in this field to feel good about endorsing animal communication as a highly valuable tool, both when our animal companions are alive and after they have passed over into spirit. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean I endorse every animal communicator. Just as there are people with varying degrees of talent and skill in any other profession, the same holds true in this one. If you work with one animal communicator and aren’t happy with the results, and you feel you’ve truly given them a fair chance, I suggest trying other animal communicators until you find one you can feel good about working with.
Once a relationship is established with a particular animal communicator, many people find it helpful to stick with one primary animal communicator but to also keep other numbers on file in case the primary one isn’t available. That way, you don’t have to start from square one for every session, but you’re also never left with no one to turn to. Many animal communicators also offer workshops, and I highly encourage people to open up to the possibility that they, too, can learn to develop this valuable form of communication.
Another thing to bear in mind is that telepathic animal communication is just that: communication. As with any form of communication, sometimes intent can be unclear or misunderstood. So, just because it’s telepathic, that doesn’t mean it’s flawless. Often meanings aren’t understood at first, and the true value of a session isn’t fully understood until after the fact.
Loreth Anne White
Mercedes Lackey
Lorelei James
Heather Terrell
Corie L. Calcutt
William J. Palmer
Jayne Frost
Regina Duke
Elsa Silk
Bree Cariad