Basement Level 5: Never Scared
a waste of my time to be having this conversation with you right now. I don’t like talking to you. So stay away from her. Period. If you don’t, then I’m going to have to use other means to get the message across. We both know I don’t make idle threats.” He finished the rest of his beer, stood up, and walked out of the bar.
    When he entered the lobby, Alexa was waiting with Lei and Kendrick.
    “ It’s done. Let’s get out of here.” Dro took Alexa’s hand in his as they headed out of the hotel with Lei ahead of them and Kendrick bringing up the rear.
    As they walked to the garage, he noticed a black car heading toward them. It was too late to warn the others as the back window lowered and bullets sprayed in their direction.
    From that point, everything happened in slow motion. Lei cursed and fell to the ground. Kendrick yelled for Alexa to get down, but she had reached under her dress for her own gun and dived behind a car. Dro grabbed his gun and fired at the car, while he headed for Lei who was already moaning on the ground.
    Dodging bullets, Kendrick and Alexa returned fire, each from behind a parked sedan. Moments later, the enemy’s vehicle crashed into a nearby telephone pole. Assuming one of his crew shot a tire out, Dro signaled to Kendrick who rushed over to check the occupants of the car.
    By the time Dro reached Lei, Alexa was shouting to someone on her cell phone and the blood oozing from Lei’s wound had pooled on the cement. He grabbed Lei’s ankle and dragged him away from the street. But before he could examine the wound, Alexa was at his side.
    She dropped to her knees beside Lei. “Is he okay?”
    “ Did you call Chase?” Dro asked. He couldn’t meet her eyes. He was no doctor, but Lei was losing a lot of blood. “We need to get out of here.”
    “ Yes. He’s on his way. Luckily, he was right around the corner.”
    “ Good.” Dro pressed his jacket over the wound on Lei’s chest.
    “ There were two of them and they’re both dead,” Kendrick said from behind them. “So I don’t know who they are or who sent them.”
    The sound of screeching tires had everyone but Lei spinning around, guns at the Chase braked to a halt in a dark Expedition. Dro and Kendrick lifted Lei up, set him in the back seat then climbed in beside him as Alexa hopped in the front. The faint sounds of police sirens could be heard as they sped off into the night.
    November 4, 2011, B5 :
    Alexa lay in bed, facing Dro.
    He reached out and tucked a stand of her hair behind her ear. “I was ten when I saw my father kill someone for the first time.”
    She gasped.
    “ From that moment on, I knew I was never going to have a normal life. I mean, how could I if my father was willing to kill someone right in front of me. After he murdered the man, he told me it was just the way of life. Your father was there, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, Pop just gave the order to clean up the mess.”
    “ You never told me this story before,” she admitted softly.
    She knew that when Dro’s grandfather arrived in the States from Puerto Rico, he had founded Martinez Organization and opened a neighborhood store. But he quickly realized he could make more money by branching out into some illegal activities. So he began making hooch, or moonshine, and smuggling it to neighboring states. Eventually, he expanded into narcotics, using the store as a front for business.
    Dro’s father, Enrique Martinez, a shrewd business man, took over business when his father retired. He established many legitimate businesses under the Martinez Organization umbrella, but the biggest money maker continued to be their illegal activities. Enrique delved further into the drug trade, becoming the main supplier for Tri-State area. But that wasn’t enough. He also wanted to become a major player in the selling and distribution of weapons and made millions smuggling guns to Puerto Rico and other nearby countries.

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