
Blackmail by A.L. Simpson

Book: Blackmail by A.L. Simpson Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.L. Simpson
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    “Vince gave in too easily. It scares me.”
    “I promise you’ll be okay.” He kissed her lips gently but a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach bothered him.
    Vince stomped through the club and found Marty cozying up to the bar. A Vodka on the rocks being caressed in his hands. “Bit early for drinking don't you think?”
    “Never too early or too late.” Marty swiveled on the stool and faced his boss.
    “You need to back it off. You're drinking the profits.”
    “What's got you in such a lousy mood?”
    “I had a call from that Avery bitch. She wants to come back here.”
    “The tail you have on her told you she was on the bones of her ass. What did you tell her? Is she gonna work the back rooms?”
    “No, she wouldn't do it. I got the feeling she wouldn't come back if I insisted. I told her she had to up the set by half an hour. I'm worried about her, she knows too much. If the tail is right and she's been to the cops, we got no idea what she's told them. Is she a plant or what?”
    “Boss, I'd bet my cock on her being a plant.”
    “How do you want to handle it?”
    “I don't know yet. After she dances tomorrow we'll have a little talk to the bitch.”
    “What if that cop from where she's staying turns up?”
    “We'll have to make sure he can't interfere.”
    Marty smirked. He would put two of the club goons on the cop and once he was out of the way, he would avail himself of the slut’s cunt.”
    Vince noted the glint in Marty's eyes. The man had been his right hand man for almost fifteen years and he still didn't trust him. He was convinced he knew something about Tegan's death even though he swore black and blue he'd had nothing to do with it.
    “I'll put Gerry and Ward on the cop if he turns up.”
    “Tell them, they are not to fucking do anything without my permission,” Vince warned.
    “Yeah, whatever.”
    “I mean it Marty. If they do anything without my say so, you'll be the one to pay the consequences.”
    “I hear ya, already.”
    Vince stomped away. Marty was going to have to go. He was getting out of hand.
    A loose cannon like him poses a threat to me and the club.

Chapter Eleven
    Ryan and Matt positioned themselves at the rear of the huge crowd in the club. Vince had messaged his regulars to let them know Avery would be back. They had passed the word around amongst their friends.
    “Good turn out,” Marty commented when Vince joined him.
    “Yeah, she should be here any time now.”
    “Are ya gonna talk to her before or after?”
    “I'll wait until after or she might walk out and I'd have a riot on my hands. The clients are obsessed with that fucking slut. Her walking out on me has cost me thousands, and she’s gonna fucking pay for it.”
    Marty nodded and turned back to the bar after Vince strode off.
    Gabe turned the headlights off and eased into the trees out of sight. He cut the engine and swiveled to face Avery. “Ready?”
    “No, but yes.”
    He pulled her into his arms. She was trembling all over. He captured her lips and kissed her, gently at first, then with more demand. He felt her melt against him and held her for a few minutes.
    “I have to go.”
    “I'll watch you into the club and then I'll go in and stand in front. Ryan and Matt should be in place. Last chance to back out.”
    “No, I'm going to do this for Tegan, you and your parents.”
    He was so proud of her resolve. He knew how frightened she was and admired the fact she was willing to go ahead with their plan, no matter how dangerous or distasteful it was for her.
    Avery placed a feather light kiss to Gabe's lips before slipping from the car into the darkness. He watched her go, she was barely visible. He breathed a sigh of relief when she opened the side door and disappeared inside.
    Avery found her lingerie waiting for her on a dressing table. She stripped. Rachel would be off stage in a few minutes and she had to be ready to go on or Vince would begin

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