plan. I thought it was a good idea ... I told him I would leave everything to
him. I would trust him. Ang said he would get his men to assist in the robbery.
He said he would probably get his friends who had helped me recover the lost
Andrew’s account of the Hari Raya Puasa trip
to Changi was that while the others were talking in Chinese he went for a
lonely walk along the beach. On the way back to the house, Ang said softly to
him: “It has been arranged.” When he asked for further details Ang put his hand
up indicating that he should wait. A few days later (between the 20 and 23
November), Andrew told David of the plan to rob Ngo. About three days later,
Ang brought Peter, Alex, Stephen Lee, Fernando Lee and Anchor to his house and
they went into the living room. Peter, Alex and Stephen went to the porch.
Fernando told Andrew that Fernando and Anchor would help in the robbery.
Fernando and Anchor wanted more details: when would the next shipment of gold
be, how many people would be delivering it? Andrew told Fernando Lee that he
could not be precise about these things, but he would inform Ang when he knew
about the next delivery, and Ang would pass the information to them. David Chou
told Ang to remind them that this was ‘a robbery and nothing more’.
Andrew gave evidence that on one occasion
when Augustine asked him how much the people were to be paid for helping in the
robbery, he had replied that Ang was the boss of this show and whatever he
decided was okay with him.
One day, there was an early delivery of gold
to Chepstow Close. Andrew was not in and Ang took delivery. Ang took one gold
bar and that evening returned with it and told Andrew that he had shown the
gold bar to an interested purchaser who had quoted a price for it. In the witness
box, Andrew said he could not remember the price quoted.
A week after 23 November, Ang told him the
deal with Fernando Lee and Anchor was off as one of them had been arrested in a
gang fight. Early in December, Ang told him that he contacted a new group. He
went along with Ang to the playground off Bras Basah Road just to keep him
company. At the playground he told Ang he was very tired and requested to be
sent home. He got into a station wagon where he fell asleep. The next thing he
knew was that Peter was waking him and telling him they had a flat tyre. They
were near Bedok, though Andrew did not say so in his evidence. They came upon a
house from which they telephoned David to come and collect him. They then
walked to Changi Road and much later David drove up. Andrew said he asked David
to take him home. He fell asleep in the car. The next thing he knew he was at
home. He went straight into the house and went to sleep.
Augustine had given evidence to the effect
that Andrew and the others, in two cars, had gone to Bedok to search for a
suitable place to ‘throw’ the bodies of the three men they intended to kill.
Andrew’s explanation for his damaged hand
was that on 27 December, after his work in the aeroplane had been done, he
tripped and fell while descending from the aeroplane. He did not report the
Andrew described the events of the fateful
night in detail. On 29 December 1971 he was to go on duty at 6:30 pm . When he returned home at 5:00 pm after spending the day in the city,
there was a message asking him to ring up Leong. By that he knew there would
probably be a delivery of gold later that night. He left for work and at the
airport he rang up Ngo’s house at 6:30 pm .
Ngo told him that ‘they had work that night’. Then Andrew rang up Ang and told
him to be at the house that night as gold would be delivered. Ang said: “Let’s
do the job tonight.”
Andrew said he did not say anything. He left
the airport at about 11:15 pm and
arrived home at about 11:30 pm .
“When I got into the living room I saw Augustine and David. They were talking
to each other. David seemed a bit annoyed. I interrupted them and
Mary Hoffman
César Aira
Erin Bowman
Mike Brooks
Diana Dempsey
Michael Sutherland
Madison Johns
Juliette Sobanet
Sasha Moore, Anita Cox
Pete Hautman