
BoldLust by Sky Robinson

Book: BoldLust by Sky Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sky Robinson
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through, the people condemning
him for having anything to do with her, he was going to take another risk and
marry her. Carter was an amazingly giving man, and she didn’t deserve him.
    “Are you sure you want to do this?” She was being sensible
again instead of going with what was in her heart. Her heart wanted to scream
    “I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t sure.” He held her hand in his
and squeezed tightly, showing that he didn’t want to let go of her ever.
    “What about your business?” She needed to hear him say that
everything was going to be okay. Needed some reassurance that he really wanted
    “If people stop coming because I marry you, then we’ll go
somewhere else, start new. We will work it out, find a way. The only thing that
matters is that I get to be with you for the rest of my life.”
    Kate slid the ring on her finger and stared at the sparkle
of the diamonds through the tears.
    “Does that mean yes?” he asked with a grin.
    “Yes! Yes, I will be your wife.” Her hands shook, but Carter
held them tightly in the warmth of his own.
    He was her soul mate, the only man she’d ever loved, and she
wanted nothing more than to tell the world that she was his now and forever. She
would deal with her family, deal with the repercussions later. The love, the
passion she shared with Carter was worth all of it.
    She knew he would always take care of her, always be there.
And she would give herself willingly to him, give him everything.

    A little more than a week had gone by since the day Carter
had asked Kate to marry him, and today it was going to happen. Just a simple
ceremony performed in the church’s backyard by Better-Than-Thou Betsy’s husband.
He was the only person in town qualified to perform the ceremony, and she was
pretty sure Carter had given him a large amount of money to do it.
    This wasn’t how she pictured her wedding, at least not how
her mother told her she should picture her wedding day. This was better, simple
and revolving solely around the love she and Carter shared. She didn’t need to
impress anyone, didn’t need a big celebration with a lot of people, didn’t need
anything but Carter standing by her side. It was going to be perfect.
    She walked across the boardwalk slowly. The sun seemed to be
a little brighter, the mountains a little more beautiful as she basked in the
excitement of the wedding that would take place that afternoon.
    Carter asked Kate to come to his house in the morning and
wouldn’t tell her why. Just that it was important.
    She knocked and then walked into the house as he came down
to greet her looking stoic as always. He had the grace of a king and the body
of a Viking warrior. Kate was a lucky woman to get to keep a man like Carter
for the rest of her life.
    “I have something for you, a wedding gift for my bride. You
have to come upstairs with me.” He grinned and grabbed her hand.
    “You are too sweet.” He was thoughtful and kind and she felt
bad because she didn’t get him any kind of wedding gift.
    Carter squeezed her hand as they walked up the stairs to his
workroom. He stopped before opening the door and looked into her eyes.
    “I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart,
and always will. Marrying you only makes it official, but I wouldn’t want to go
on with my life if you weren’t in it.”
    A lump formed in her throat at the heartfelt words. She
swallowed and wiped the tears from her eyes before responding. “You are an
amazing man. I love you more than I thought it was possible to love another
person. I feel like I’m the luckiest woman on earth and am excited to have the
opportunity to start the rest of our lives together.”
    Carter pulled Kate to him and kissed her slowly, gently,
with a passion that made her want to cry again.
    “Now close your eyes.” Carter grabbed her hand and guided
her into the room. “Okay. Open them.”
    Kate uncovered her eyes, and in the center of his

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