Born 01 - Born

Born 01 - Born by Tara Brown Page A

Book: Born 01 - Born by Tara Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara Brown
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before I end up getting a paw in the head again.
    I stretch and realize what I'm wearing. It's a tight t-shirt with the word rock and then a star below it. It's bright purple and too long for me. I'm also wearing jeans with tears and holes in the knees. I feel a bit of breeze in the back and feel my butt to discover holes back there as well. I frown. I need my pants back.
    "You're up, finally."
    I turn around to see Will smiling at me. He is beautiful. I can't stop myself from gawking at him in his baby blue t-shirt and dark denim jeans. His eyes meet mine. He has noticed the way my eyes traveled his body. I blush.
    "How come you get jeans with no holes?"
    He laughs, "We only have so many clothes. The last trip to a mall was three years ago. We share everything."
    I glance at Mary snuggled into a guy and holding the little brat, "Everything."
    He turns and sees what I'm watching. He laughs again, "No, not everything. She is really friendly, Emma. She is like that with everyone. But if you're interested, we have a few girls who are single."
    I frown, "What?"
    "If you're interested."
    I shake my head, "I don’t know what you mean." He laughs at me. He is in on a joke that I am not.
    He sighs, "So, want to go over the map with me?"
    This makes me laugh, "I told you last night that I don’t know maps. I know where I've been by remembering the woods."
    He frowns. "Well, back to the farmhouse, then?"
    "Okay, but I need a favor," I say.
    I point to the tent, "I need her to stay here and be protected. She's fifteen. She's lived a hard life. Her mom was a prison warden."
    He makes a face that makes me laugh, "Yeah, I figured she was staying. Wow, a warden?"
    I nod, "Her mom and aunt just died. Her other aunt was taken to the breeder farms."
    His blue eyes sparkled. "She is just our kind of girl.
    I am confused by him, but don’t have time to figure him out. I can't get the picture of him playing the guitar in the firelight out of my head. It is almost like there are two of him inside of his body. Sweet Will and Business Will.
    Mary comes over carrying the monster.
    "Andy, what do you have to say to Emma?"
    He looks down at the ground and pouts, "Sorry."
    He fidgets with her blouse. She looks up and meets my frown with a smile.
    I nod, "Okay, thanks."
    Will and Mary laugh.
    "Mary, will you take care of Meg till I get back?"
    She leans in and hugs me. "Be safe, Emma, and hurry back."
    I hug her back. I still hug like an iron rod. I notice the way she hugs like a person and I hug like a robot. She hugs just like Anna. My heart hurts thinking about them.
    I turn and open the tent. "I'm leaving, Meg. You need to stay here and help out, okay? They need the extra hands."
    She wakes and instantly gives me a snarl, "No. I'm coming with you."
    I shake my head. "No, you need to stay and hang with Mary. I'm taking Will to the farmhouse. I'll be back in a couple days."
    She lays back. "Fine."
    I look at Leo. "You coming or staying?"
    He stretches out on the sleeping bags and snuggles into Meg who laughs sarcastically, "Ha. He likes me better."
    I roll my eyes. "Traitor."
    I zip the tent back up and walk back to Will, whose eyes sparkle in the morning light.
    He shakes his head, amused by me or something. "You're funny, Emma."
    The walk back down the mountain is less painful and considerably faster than the walk up. My feet don’t hurt, and Will keeps a fast pace. Unlike Meg, he never speaks.
    When we make it back to the meeting tree, we both take a pause and listen. I lead across the open field with a sprint.
    We make it to the edge of the field. I crouch down to look out for any signs of life in the driveway. The barn door swings open and shut.
    They're back. I know I sealed the barn door completely when I left. I can hear Will's breath on the back of my neck as I watch the house silently.
    I turn and whisper, "Let me go look first."
    He shakes his head and points to the barn door. I turn and look again.
    I almost jump as I

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