Lucky (Inked Menace MC 1)

Lucky (Inked Menace MC 1) by Ryanne Hawk

Book: Lucky (Inked Menace MC 1) by Ryanne Hawk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryanne Hawk
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mind once you’ve sampled my tongue baths.”
    “Ew. I’m sure you’re great. But please, keep your paws to yourself.”
    Lucky watched the byplay, wanting to see how his mate would react, wanting to know if he could trust her with his heart, and so far, she hadn’t let him down. She was holding her own against animals who could rip her throat out in two seconds flat and feel no remorse, without even batting an eyelash.
    “Man, am I lucky or what?” he proclaimed, then grabbed her face between his hands and planted a wet kiss on her lips in front of everyone.
    “Got any friends you can hook me up with?” Pretty-Boy said once Lucky and Cecelia had stopped kissing like randy teenagers.
    Cecelia choked for a second. If Lucky hadn’t been paying attention, he might have missed the sore spot being hit. She opened her mouth and said, “Not anymore. But maybe once this shit storm blows over, I’ll be able to make contact with a few people from before…”
    Hammer raised a brow. “Where are your parents?”
    Cecelia cleared her throat. “Back in San Diego. I haven’t seen or spoken to them in over four years.” Her shoulders hunched and she bowed her head. He was pretty sure he heard her discrete sniffle, but when she picked her head back up and glanced around the table, her eyes were dry and clear. She was amazing. Such a survivor. But he’d have to do something about her incessant need to be stoic. She had to know he’d be there for her. That it was okay for her to break down and rely on someone other than herself. He’d make sure she understood.
    Later. When they were back in bed and wrapped in each other’s arms.
    “Okay, so are you going to let me come to the meet on Saturday night now?”
    “Fuck, no.”
    Cecelia stuck her lips out and crossed her arms. “I can handle myself. I’m not weak or helpless.”
    “Didn’t say you were, sweetheart,” Hammer said. “But just because you know your way around shifters doesn’t mean you’ll be safe surrounded and outnumbered by them. Especially a bunch of unknowns. I can almost guarantee the Delta president won’t kill you on site, but I can’t say the same for his pack members.”
    “I may not grow claws, but I know how to use a gun.”
    He loved that she challenged his brothers. That she didn’t let them steamroll over her. Even if his first instinct was to protect her and keep her alive, the animal in him adored her moxie and need for retribution on her own terms.
    Lucky placed his hands on the table and stood, leaning forward so he could see into the faces of the Ruling Council and his MC brothers. “If she wants to partake, I don’t have a problem with it.” He lowered his voice. “Mate bond supersedes club law. She’s not just my old lady. She’s my mate.”
    He turned and caught her eye, watching a fierce pride give her back some steel. She sat straighter.
    Then she said, “Let me prove myself to you, then you can decide whether you’ll let me stand by your sides.”
    Hammer drummed his fingers on the scarred wood table, his eyes unfocused, locked deep within his own thoughts. Lucky wondered if it had been his mate asking, if Maura wanted to avenge herself, if Hammer would allow her to go. But Maura was a shifter, and a little more durable than his human bird.
    He glanced at Cecelia out of the corner of his eye, taking in her petite body with her lean muscles and strong attitude. If any human could make it in his world, he kind of figured it was her.
    “If you want to prove yourself, that’s on you. You’ll have to challenge a member to combat. Those are our rules. First blood.”
    Hammer waited and watched Cecelia, and so did Lucky. Flip, Meat, Brick, Pretty-Boy, and Flash all remained silent at Hammer’s decree.
    “Any member?” Cecelia hedged.
    Thoughts passed through Hammer’s expression, too quick for Lucky to interpret, but as a wide grin formed, Lucky almost laughed.
    “Anyone but your own mate.” Hammer cocked a

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