Breach of Trust: How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country
Postmortem (editor)
    Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War
    The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism
    The Long War: A New History of U.S. National Security Policy Since World War II (editor)
    The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War
    American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy
    The Imperial Tense: Prospects and Problems of American Empire (editor)

    A NDREW J. B ACEVICH is a professor of history and international relations at Boston University. He is the author of Washington Rules , The Limits of Power , and The New American Militarism , among other books.


    Metropolitan Books
    Henry Holt and Company, LLC
    Publishers since 1866
    175 Fifth Avenue
    New York, New York 10010
    Metropolitan Books ® and ® are registered trademarks of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.
    Copyright © 2013 by Andrew J. Bacevich
    All rights reserved.
    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data
    Bacevich, Andrew J.
        Breach of trust: how Americans failed their soldiers and their country / Andrew J. Bacevich.—First Edition.
                p. cm.
        Includes bibliographical references and index.
        ISBN 978-0-8050-8296-8
      1.  War and society—United States.   2.  National security—Social aspects—United States.   3.  Military service, Voluntary—United States.   4.  Sacrifice—Social aspects—United States.   5.  Citizenship—Social—United States.   6.  United States—History, Military—20th century.   7.  United States—History, Military—21st century.   I.  Title.
        E181.B15 2013
        355.00973—dc23                                 2013004885
    First Edition 2013
    eISBN 9780805096033

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