Calm Before the Storm

Calm Before the Storm by Cara Lake

Book: Calm Before the Storm by Cara Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Lake
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some lessons,” he finally said.
“Moloch, clean up the blade.”
    Bending, he looked Tyr directly in the
face grabbing his hair at the same time as he spoke words that were chilling in
their intent. “You will tell no one of this or there will be consequences. What
were the names of Sal’s girls? No matter, you get the picture I’m sure.”
Abrasax finally released Tyr’s head and stood back. “Knock him out, Dagon.” Those
were the last words Tyr heard before blackness descended and he awoke to find
himself lying over Sal’s dead body, the curved knife in his hand, surrounded by
a contingent of law enforcement with guns pointing at his head.
    The scene dissolved back to the present and
Tyr realized with some clarity that Leah was probably dead too, guessing they
had killed her just before killing Sal. That agonizing scream of Sal’s would
eat into his soul forever. Sal knew what they had done and it had broken him.
Bastards! He would never forgive them. His anger grew hotter, clamoring for
vengeance. But Abrasax had Melanie and Delora. He knew that Abrasax would
continue to hold them over his head. Tyr was fast losing patience. He wanted
answers and he wanted them now.
    “Get to the point. We both know you want
something from me, so don’t beat around the bush. Tell me what the fuck I
really am!”
    “I think before I do that, you need to see
what I really am.”
    As he spoke, Abrasax’s body began mutating
in size, expanding until he stood nearly eight feet tall, his blue eyes flashed
that yellow color again but this time it didn’t disappear. The clothes he had
been wearing fell away as if part of an illusion and Tyr blinked his eyes shut
and then open again just to prove to himself that what he was seeing was real.
    What the fuck! Tyr wondered briefly if he’d been given some kind of hallucinogen.
Abrasax’s skin had now transformed into a scaly gray color and his fingers that
had stretched into bony, black claws were developing seriously sharp nails. Tyr
stood his ground. He refused to be intimidated by something he did not
understand. There had to be some logical explanation—either that or he was
headed for the insane asylum!
    “Hmmm,” said Abrasax, his voice an arrogant
drawl. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by your distinctly unimpressed
reaction. You really are a cool customer, Tyr Bellor. Most Earthani are usually
hysterical and begging for mercy by now.”
    “I guess I’m not most Earthani,” replied
Tyr. “Either this is some kind of illusion, or you really are an
eight-foot-tall demon with delusions of grandeur and mega strong body odor.”
Tyr waved a hand in front of his face. “Seriously man, you need to deal with
    A flash of anger crossed Abrasax’s face and
Tyr knew he had him rattled. Keep on the offensive . But then he smirked
with understanding as if he realized Tyr’s game, suddenly calming and returning
quickly to his human form.
    “I’ll ignore the attempt at humor. I know
you Earthani use it to deflect in this kind of situation. But you need to
understand a few things about this universe and the position you Earthani
occupy in it.”
    “So you’re an alien and I’m Earthani?
That’s basically a human, right?”
    “Yes but you are a special one, Tyr. You
have the potential to be so much more. In fact you are what my kind call an
Esseni. You have always had the possibility and it is now a reality that you
hold within you the essence of War, one of the most potent forces in the
    “And that means what? This just sounds like
a load of bull. And what about your kind, what the hell are you? And this
reference to the universe, are you saying this is some kind of ET, close
encounters moment?”
    Abrasax laughed and moved back to his seat.
“Questions, questions, questions. You have so many.” His head turned to the
monitors and Tyr could see his lips curl into a satisfied grin. “Instead,
answer me this.” He motioned Tyr to look at the

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