Captain Mack

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Book: Captain Mack by James Roy Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Roy
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    â€œYou think?”
    â€œYeah, probably.”
    Caleb screwed up his lunch bag and tossed it at the mouth of the rubbish bin. It was a perfect shot. “Well, maybe you’re right. I reckon you’re a nutcase, though. Isn’t this kidnapping?”
    â€œNo, I’m just helping him. It was all his idea from the beginning.”
    â€œYeah, but what does he know? He’s crazy.”
    Danny said nothing.
    â€œHere’s the plan,” Danny said to Captain Mack, who sat forward and listened intently. “Next Monday my Dad’s at squash till late. I’m going to come here straight after dinner.”
    â€œRight,” said Captain Mack, nodding slowly. “Remember to keep yer voice down, lad,” he reminded Danny.
    â€œOK Now, it’s going to be really important that the nurses notice you at dinner-time. You’ll have to make some kind of scene.”
    â€œYe can create a diversion, Snell,” Captain Mack suggested excitedly. “Set fire to the latrine block, perhaps.”
    Danny tried not to smile. “I was thinking that you could just drop your pills or something. Nothing too big. Nothing that gets you locked in your room or anything.”
    Captain Mack looked disappointed. “Well, ye’re in charge this time, lad, like we agreed, so ye call the shots. But I think burning something down would work better.”
    â€œNo, just the pills, I think. Then, after dinner, when I come and visit, we’re going to talk for a while in the lounge and maybe go for a bit of a walk. Then I’m going to say good-bye to the girl at the desk. She finishes at six — I checked.”
    Captain Mack nodded seriously. “Six. Right, I’ve got that.”
    â€œWhen she’s gone home I want you to take a short walk outside. The nurses are usually down the other end of the ward around then anyway, so we’ll be OK.”
    â€œWhere are we walking, lad? In the garden?”
    â€œNo, on the verandah. I’ll be in the bushes at the far end.”
    â€œI’ll wear my best suit.”
    â€œI didn’t know you had a suit,” Danny said.
    Captain Mack screwed up his face as he thought. “Hmm. Ye know, ye’re right lad, I don’t. I just recalled. I’ll wear something nice, then.”
    Danny shook his head. “No, don’t get dressed up. You’ve got to look like you’re going straight to bed. You’ll need to wear your pyjamas and dressing gown. You can wear regular clothes underneath if you like.”
    â€œI’ll wear my best dressing gown, then. And the scarf — we’ll not forget that.”
    â€œHow about my belongings, lad? I’ve not got a lot, but there are some items I’d like to bring along.”
    â€œI’ll have my school bag with me. While I’m visiting we’ll pack some stuff.”
    Captain Mack’s eye was bright with excitement. “Then when ye leave ye’ll not attract attention from the guards! Brilliant! Ye’re a genius, Snell. Ye’ll be decorated for this.”
    Danny tried not to smile at the old man’s enthusiasm. “That’s all you need to know for now. We’ll find somewhere to change you out of your pyjamas before we get on the train.”
    Captain Mack’s mood changed instantly. Suddenly he looked very bothered. “Train, ye say?” He stood slowly and walked to the window.
    â€œYes, we need to catch the train. Then we’ll have to walk a little bit to get to Ellie’s place. It’s not all that far.”
    Captain Mack shook his head. “I’ll not catch the train. Sorry, lad, but ye’ll need to find another way.”
    â€œWhy? I don’t —”
    â€œDon’t ask, lad. Just think of something else.”
    â€œBut why?”
    â€œNo!” Captain Mack snapped. “No. Ye don’t understand. I helped build it, lad. My friends died there.

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