Captain Mack

Captain Mack by James Roy

Book: Captain Mack by James Roy Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Roy
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faith in ye.”
    Danny began to spend even more time at Redgrange, mostly on Mondays and Wednesdays while Dad was at squash. He was conducting reconnaissance, watching the patterns and routines in the ward, learning when the nurses were busy in other parts of the ward. He soon learned that after dinner, which was served at half past five, all the residents either went into the lounge to watch TV or back to their rooms. Sometimes they got visitors, but that didn’t happen very often.
    One of those Wednesday evenings a tall balding man came into Room 5. He tossed something in a white shopping bag onto the end of Captain Mack’s bed. “There’s the scarf you asked for. I tried to get a tartan one but they were all out. This one cheaper at any rate, so that was something. What do you need a scarf for, anyway?”
    â€œSnell, this is my son William,” Captain Mack said.
    Danny held out his hand like his father had taught him to do, and William shook it unenthusiastically. “How do you do,” he said flatly.
    â€œHi,” said Danny, quickly returning his hand to his pocket.
    William flopped into the chair beside the window. “So how’s things?” he asked Captain Mack.
    â€œAwful, what did ye reckon? They’re animals, like I keep telling ye.”
    â€œThey’re not animals, Dad,” William said in a calm voice. “They’re doing their best, I’m sure.”
    â€œDoing their best to lose my teeth, ye mean.”
    â€œLook, I made a complaint about that already, and they said it was just an honest mistake. I don’t know what you want them to do.”
    Captain Mack shook his head. “Ye’re soft, son. It was no mistake. I want to go back to the other place.”
    William took a deep breath and bit gently on his top lip. “So you’ve said, Dad, and I keep telling you, you can’t go back there. It’s too —”
    â€œYe don’t care, do ye, son?”
    â€œOf course I do, Dad,” William protested weakly. “Of course I care. But as I’ve repeatedly explained —”
    â€œSnell here cares, my boy, that’s for certain.” Captain Mack lowered his voice. “We’re hatching a plan, he and I.”
    â€œWhat sort of plan?” William asked.
    â€œAn escape plan.”
    William looked over at Danny, who gave a half-shrug. He wasn’t about to admit to anything.
    â€œSorry, who are you again?” William asked Danny.
    â€œI’m Danny Snell. I’m a friend of Captain Mack’s.”
    â€œCaptain Mack.” William snorted and stood up. “Well, Danny, let me give you a word of advice.”
    Danny swallowed hard and waited to be told off. “What’s that?” he asked.
    William dropped his voice, speaking low and secretively. “When you’re planning this great escape, avoid the east guard-tower. They’re a bit trigger-happy over that side.” He turned to leave. “I’ve got to go, Dad. Take it easy, all right?”
    â€œHe didn’t believe us, did he, lad?” Captain Mack said when he’d gone.
    Danny shook his head. “He will.”
    â€œIt’s an even stupider idea now,” Caleb said after Danny had outlined the finer details of his great plan. “Especially now that his son knows who you are.”
    â€œHe didn’t believe us anyway.”
    â€œSo what? Once it’s done, he’ll know it was you.” He put on a deep, dramatic movie-voice. “Then he’s going to hunt you down.”
    Danny slurped his chocolate milk loudly. “But at least they might realise how much he hates living there and find him somewhere nice to live.”
    â€œSo where are you going to take him, once you’ve slipped away into the night? Have you thought about that?”
    â€œBack to Ellie’s house. If I can get him to her place, then she can talk to the people at Lady Smythe and get him back

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