
Cipher by Robert Stohn

Book: Cipher by Robert Stohn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Stohn
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deep, spoke up. “Sir, what if Boris already has the list with him? What if
he’s already infiltrated the databases? I found this,” she said, punching some
keys into the keyboard in front of her, then hitting a
button to send the details to the screen up above. “I show infiltration points
here, here, and here,” she said referring to different databases across the
NSA, CIA, and FBI.
    “What’s your name analyst?”
    “Jenkins, sir. Kate Jenkins.”
    “Well, Jenkins,” said the Director, “Those security points
were breached, but no data was taken, however we can’t be too caution on this
one. Let’s double and triple check all databases for security. I also want to
gather a team of our best IT personnel to review security procedures for the
data. He’s somehow getting into our systems and we’re unable to lock him out.”
    “Sir,” Jenkins continued, “I’ve done some further analysis
on this, and it seems as though it’s a special kind of brute force attack.”
    “What’s your background Jenkins?”
    “Advanced Cryptology and Applied Mathematics, sir. I did my
thesis on advanced cryptography ciphers, and I have to say that the techniques
being used to gain access look extremely advanced. We can see here, on the Air
Traffic Control Systems’ coordinated hack that the brute force attack came in
over a secured 1024-bit RSA key server. It’s virtually impossible to hack a
load-balanced server by brute force because they can normally withstand those
types of attacks. This attack was either coordinated with several servers
attacking all at once, or some other sophisticated method was used that I’ve
never seen. But the fact that this type of attack has worked across the board
tells us we’re dealing with one very sophisticated cipher,” said Jenkins.
    Another analyst in the room named Geoff, seated in the back
row, also spoke up. “Sir, Geoff Steiner here,” he said.
    “Go ahead Steiner,” barked the Director.
    “Sir, I’ve located some information that may be deemed
useful here. We have a lab out of Arlington, Virginia called Advanced Biogenics,
which was working on a technology for advanced ciphers. The team was led by
this researcher,” he said, punching some keys on the keyboard that brought up
Jennifer’s photo on the screen in front of them. “Her name is Dr. Jennifer M.
Cobalt. She has a Harvard degree in Applied Mathematics and we have reason to
believe, sir, that she created a new advanced algorithm that can hack a
2048-bit RSA key in less than 30 minutes.”
    The room grew silent after Steiner spoke. They looked at the
screen with the doctor’s photo on it, and the director took off his
prescription lenses for a moment to wipe his eyes. “If this is true,” said the
Director , then we’re in trouble people. Do you realize
what this means? This means that any institution, public or private, from
financial to media, and everything in between, can be hacked. I want all of you
to find out everything you can about Advanced Biogenics. I want to know
everything about this doctor, and the team that worked on this project. I want
to know how the hell Boris Medviek has this technology, if he in fact does.”
    “It all makes sense, sir,” said Jenkins, “It’s much more
plausible to be able to launch a coordinated attack with technology like this.
This would be impossible to do otherwise.”
    “Like I said people, I want everything. I want absolutely
everything we can rummage up. I want to know where she is, what she eats for
breakfast, her first boyfriend’s name. I want to know everything. And, we need
eyes in the field. Let’s get on this before it’s too late.”
    The Director left the room, and the analysts dispersed. Kate
Jenkins and Geoff Steiner walked out of the room together, trailing the rest of
the group.
    “So what do you think of all of this?” asked Steiner.
    “I think that if Medviek has this kind of technology we’re
all screwed. It’s going to be virtually

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