this time. Tell him Constantine.”
Constantine looked at his two friends, unsure what to say. Damn Sphrantzes! His dislike of Notaras and constant needling created dissent in his most intimate circle of friends and advisors. If he did not need Sphrantzes, and did not trust him, he would have excluded him from these meetings entirely. But Sphrantzes was cunning and practical. He had resources nobody else possessed, including spies in the Turkish camp. Admittedly, he also created problems. At the present time he had brought into the open an issue Constantine had already considered. There were obvious and significant advantages to naming Giovanni the overall commander of the defenses. However he had intended to raise this issue with Notaras in private, and then very subtly. Now Sphrantzes had forced the issue, and put the Megadux on the defensive. Now he would have to hurt his closest friend. Notaras did not deserve this. He had shown nothing but loyalty and hard work. Once again, Constantine would have to compromise a friend for the necessities of the city.
He looked at Notaras and smiled. His friend was looking at him, trying to read his expression. Constantine could see the color draining out of his face. He knew what was coming.
“Loukas my friend. I don’t agree with how this was addressed at all,” he looked sternly at Sphrantzes. “However, I have been considering this issue and I have a tremendous favor to ask of you. You know that we need every bit of aid that we can put together?”
Notaras squared his shoulders. “Yes, my Lord, I know that but. . .”
“I have considered this issue, and I do want you to understand this decision has nothing to do with Sphrantzes. I must ask a tremendous favor of you. I wish to offer the defenses of the city to Giovanni, and the Island of Lemnos as his hereditary possession if we are attacked and succeed in defending the city. I know this comes as a hard blow to you. This decision has nothing to do with your abilities. But I do feel that we may be able to obtain additional aid from Galata if we elevate a Genoan to this position. And I also believe it will be critical if we are attacked to be able to instantly defend against breaches of the walls. And after all my friend, you are more of a sailor than a soldier.”
Notaras looked at Sphrantzes and Constantine. He stood up and bowed to the Emperor.
“Don’t go Loukas. . .”
“I accept this my Lord. I don’t have to like it. I will do whatever you wish in defense of the city. I believe you are making a mistake. You may find others agree. I also worry about the Venetians. You may find they do not agree at all with this decision.”
Notaras bowed again to the Emperor and walked briskly out, without acknowledging Sphrantzes. Of course Notaras also had raised an important issue. The great weakness in the argument of appointing Giovanni was the Venetians. Venice kept an important presence in Constantinople, including a significant force of men. The city-state also had nearly a dozen ships in the harbor of the city, ships that could aid significantly in the defense or be used to obtain provisions from Italy or the Greek Islands. If the Venetians left the city he would be greatly weakened, and certainly he would have lost all the benefit of appointing Giovanni as the leader of the defense. As always, he was forced to pick between impossible solutions to the problems. Regardless, he would have to proceed. For now he would chastise Sphrantzes for his impertinent outburst.
Constantine turned to his other advisor. “Why do you needle him so! I should turn you out in the street! I need Notaras and I need him loyal and happy. You have taken him down at a critical time when a gentler approach would have served far better!”
“I apologize my Lord. I thought it would help to raise a difficult issue. Notaras is now mostly angry at me, not at you. We both know this decision had to be made. Better for me to take the blame. If you had
Gayle Laakmann McDowell
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