Shifters of Grrr 2
had sixty days to move somewhere new.  
    Her shoulders heaved with sobs, letting her emotions flow out of her. It was a long time before she looked up from her own misery. When she did, it was simply to text her best friend Lizzie. It was a simple plea for help, and it wasn't too long after that that her door buzzed. She answered it, eyes still red, to see her friend standing there with some chocolate and a bottle of wine. She broke down in tears again, so thankful for such a good friend, someone who would always do what was necessary to help her.
    "Lizzie-" she began, her friend still standing in the doorway.  
    "Shutup and let me inside. We need to get this bottle of wine open stat." With a quick kiss in the direction of her cheek, Lizzie brushed past her and made a beeline straight for the kitchen. As Keri closed the door she heard the clinking of glasses and the smooth flow of liquid as Lizzie got them both an extra full glass of wine. Sitting down on the sofa, Lizzie turned to her friend of fifteen years.
    "What happened? Did that dick call you back?" Keri smiled faintly at that, though she shook her head. Lizzie refused to call her ex-fiancé by his name now. In fact, the entire time the two of them had been dating, Lizzie had done her best to avoid him. After he had left her, Lizzie confessed that she had gotten a bad vibe from him the entire time, and didn't want to see her friend go down that path. After saying her initial piece at the start, however, she had stepped back and let her friend do as she wished.
    "No, he hasn't said a peep thankfully. The landlord told me that the place is condemned, and I have less than two months to find somewhere new!" Her voice had risen at this, and she almost burst out into sobs again. Instead, she raised the glass to her lips and took a long pull, only a small tear falling from each eye as she got herself back under control.
    "Oh my god that's horrible!" Lizzie put her glass down and gave Keri a comforting hug. Taking a deep breath as they parted, she tried to find her voice. After working for a few moments, she finally said what was really getting at her.
    "What do I do?" It was so plaintive, so filled with uncertainty and concern that she saw her friends eyes glaze over with water a little as well.  
    "I just feel like such a failure right now. I've lost my home, my job, and my fiancé within the span of a week and a half Liz. How can someone manage that? It's so stupid." She wasn't whining anymore, simply trying to understand what had gone so wrong, to turn her life completely on its end and then shake it.
    "These things happen to us all Keri, don't forget that. Remember two years ago, I got fired and lost my car the next week to repossession?" She nodded, having been the one doing the consoling back then, very similar to what Lizzie was doing now. "Well it sucked, but I got back on my feet after a bit and now look at me!"  
    Keri smiled at that, for it was true. Her friend was now a section manager at a Fortune 500 company, making a killing, and loving every moment of it. In fact, she had helped Keri get her last job, by telling her about the opening, which she had heard about through her work. She owed Lizzie so much for that because the experience meant she would likely be able to find another job easily, though it would take a bit of time to get her name out there.
    "Okay okay, point taken," she said, smiling over at her friend, "though I definitely need to find a new place pronto, and a new job while I'm at it. Then once I've got those two, I'll start looking for a new man. How does that sound for a roadmap?"  
    "Sounds great! You know I'll help however I can. For starters, let's have a drink!" Giggling, the two of them took big gulps of their wine, and then sat back in the couch.
    "So listen, Keri, I was going to break this to you tomorrow, but I may as well do it now, even if you just got that terrible news about the building." Keri looked at her suspiciously,

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