“I don’t care,” she mumbled from where she had her face pressed against his shirt.
He smiled. “Okay, then. As long as we’re clear on that.” He hugged her to him until she was ready to step back. “I take it this isn’t exactly what you had in mind by news getting back to your dad.”
“No, but it’ll do. Believe me.”
* * * *
Boy, would it. In fact, she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket just as they were getting ready to leave an hour later. She’d kept Doug close for the rest of the evening, and he seemed more than happy to fulfill the role. She pulled her phone out to see who was calling.
“Great.” She answered as they stepped outside. “Hello, Daddy.”
“Hi, sweetheart. Anything interesting happen this evening?”
“Oh, you mean like your ex-girlfriend being a royal douchey bitch to me in front of Doug, and him stepping in and putting her in her place? No, just the same ole same ole.”
She heard him sigh on the other end of the line. Doug was smiling and trying to keep his snickering to a dull roar as he listened to her side of the conversation.
“Honey, you can’t act like that in public,” her father gently chastised.
“What? She came over to us. She sought us out. And she’s the one who came fully loaded for bitch slapping. She deserved everything she got and a hell of a lot worse, believe me. She’s lucky we were over in the corner and not in the middle of the room when it happened.”
“What am I going to do with you?”
“Daddy, I’m sorry, but I don’t care who it is. I won’t be treated like that, and Doug isn’t about to stand by and let it happen, either.” She gave him a playful wink that he returned, sending another wave of heat pulsing through her.
“And that’s another thing.” Her father cleared his throat. “Something about you kissing him?”
“Well, he’s my boyfriend, Daddy. And he’d just stood up for me, defending my honor.”
Her heart rejoiced to see Doug’s face light up in a smile.
“Boyfriend? Since when? He’s only been working for us for a few weeks!”
“You were the one who wanted to invite him to the Boca house before his first official day of work. I thought you’d be happy for us.”
There was a moment of silence on the other end. “I am happy. I just want to make sure you’re not rushing into something.”
“Oh, you just aren’t happy regardless, are you?” she teased. “I’m single, you want me to date. I’m no longer single, you think I’m rushing it.”
“That’s not what I meant—”
“When in my life have you ever seen me rush into something without careful consideration?”
Another pause from his end. “I will admit you do have a very sensible head on your shou—”
“Then we’re in agreement that I’m both old enough and capable enough of picking my own boyfriends?” She shot another wink Doug’s way and was happy to see him return it.
Her father sighed, knowing he’d lost the argument from the start. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I am a concerned father, you know.”
“I know, and I love you for it, believe me.” She looked at Doug. “But this is what I want.”
* * * *
He’s my boyfriend. He wouldn’t lie and say the idea was abhorrent to him. He liked Harper.
Really liked her.
He just wondered if she felt what her kiss had done to him while she was in his arms. If she hadn’t felt his erection pressing against her, it would be a major miracle. If she had, she apparently didn’t mind.
After Harper finally got her father off the phone, she linked her arm through Doug’s as they walked toward his car. He opened her door for her first. When he turned to walk around the car, she snagged his arm and pulled him to her again.
It felt natural and right to slip his arms around her and kiss her. He stepped into her, pressing her against the back door of his car, and she practically melted in his arms as she ground herself against him.
So, that’s what she
Diana Hunter
Marie Higgins
Kimberla Lawson Roby
H.L. Mencken
Sebastian Rotella
Joe Berlinger, Greg Milner
Lawrence Sanders
Aleatha Romig
P. J. Garland
Sarah Morgan