after five, and Matthew was glad to be off work. What a day it had been, as he’d experienced just about every emotion known to mankind. He still wasn’t happy about breaking into tears in front of Mrs. Downing, but even though hours had passed, he felt better than he had before she’d walked into his office. She’d also given him a lot to think about when it came to his parents, and he couldn’t ignore that either.
Now, though, he was in his car and preparing to call Jasmine. He’d sort of been wanting to do so ever since she and Racquel had gone to lunch yesterday, but he hadn’t been sure if Jasmine would feel comfortable telling him any of what Racquel might have said. It was true that she and Jasmine had lost touch over the last few months, but they were still best friends, and Matthew knew who Jasmine’s loyalty rested with.
Matthew dialed her number, repositioned his Bluetooth device, and drove out of the bank’s parking lot. She answered right away.
“Hey Matt.”
“Hey, how’s it goin’?”
“I’m good. You?”
“I could be better, but you know how that is.”
“I was really hoping to talk to you, and the only reason I didn’t call was because I didn’t wanna take a chance on Racquel overhearing our conversation. I also didn’t want to bother you at work.”
“So how did things go yesterday?” he asked.
“Well, to be honest, I’ve never seen Racquel any happier. She went on and on about how free and relieved she is, and how she can’t wait to leave for school this fall.”
“Did she say anything about me or MJ?”
“No, she didn’t, and that’s what I don’t understand. That’s why I know something’s very wrong with her.”
“It’s as if she went to sleep one night and then woke up a totally different person. It’s like she no longer cares about anyone but herself. Which would be fine if she didn’t have a husband and a son. She’s acting like MJ and I don’t even exist.”
“I know, Matt, and I’m really sorry.”
“Actually, her parents and I sat down with her yesterday evening, but it turned into a total disaster. She went off on all three of us.”
Matthew didn’t bother telling her that Racquel had slapped him silly, because he was too ashamed. He just couldn’t bring himself to admit that his twenty-year-old wife had turned abusive.
“What happened?” Jasmine asked. “What did you say to her?”
“We told her we wanted her to see someone, and that’s when she really got mad. She went ballistic. Her parents believe she has postpartum depression, though.”
“Can that happen this long after having a baby?”
“Yeah. My father-in-law confirmed it with one of his colleagues at the hospital.”
“Wow. So I’m guessing she doesn’t think she has a problem at all.”
“She doesn’t. And sadly, we can’t force her to get help if she doesn’t want it.”
“This is crazy, Matt. I know Racquel has been through a lot, but I never would have thought things would turn out so badly.”
“Yeah, well, try to imagine how I’m feeling. I’m basically numb, and I’m not sure how to deal with this. I don’t even feel all that comfortable being in the house with her.”
“You don’t think she’ll try to harm you or MJ?”
“I don’t know. I hope not, but that’s why I’m gonna keep taking him to Aunt Emma’s every morning. I’m actually on my way to pick him up now.”
“I just hate this. I hate what’s happening, and I hate talking about her behind her back.”
“But we’re only doing it because she needs help.”
“I’ll keep talking to her every day,” she said, “and I’ll let you know if anything changes.”
“I really appreciate that, Jasmine. A lot.”
“No problem. I’ll talk to ya later.”
Matthew set his phone on the seat, but as soon as he did it rang. He smiled when he saw that it was one of his two best friends, Jonathan. He, Jonathan, and Elijah had been as close as brothers since childhood.
“Hey man,
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