Defeat the Darkness

Defeat the Darkness by Alexis Morgan

Book: Defeat the Darkness by Alexis Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexis Morgan
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young man, Mabel. He’s my tenant.”
    â€œWell, I’d better be getting back.” Mabel picked up her cane and stood up. She took a couple of steps, then stopped. “Tate, you know I’m not one to go around giving advice where it’s not wanted.”
    She paused, waiting for Tate to say something. “I know that, Mabel,” Tate finally responded.
    But it was obvious Mabel thought Tate needed some advice now. “Young lady, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss my Tommy, and I would’ve given up my own life to spend even another day with him.”
    Her chin came up and she met Tate’s gaze head on, her pale blue eyes burning brightly. “It’s not easy loving a warrior, but that just means they need it all that much more.”
    Then she walked away, leaving Tate sitting there in stunned silence. Who said anything about love?
    The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Hunter quickened his pace to catch up with the woman stepping out of the tea shop.
    â€œMiss Mabel, I was hoping you and your sisters could use some fresh blueberries. I bought more than one man can eat.”
    â€œWe would love some. That was sweet of you to think of us,” she said with a pleased look.
    His laugh sounded rough even to his own ears. “I don’t think anyone has ever described me as sweet before.”
    â€œWell, there’s sweet and then there’s sweet. You’re the kind where the taste is subtle but lingers for hours.” She smiled, the gleam in her faded eyes more than a touch wicked.
    Hunter set the tray of berries down on Tate’s front step and took out two pints for the three sisters to share. “Why, Miss Mabel, are you flirting with me?”
    Her giggle sounded like a young girl’s. “If you have to ask, then I’m not doing a very good job of it, am I?”
    â€œI’m flattered.” He offered her his arm, shifting his cane and the berries to his other hand. “May I walk you home?”
    â€œThat would be nice, especially since my sisters are watching from the window. They’ll be jealous, you know. It’s been a long time since a handsome man came calling on one of us.”
    He leaned down and kissed her papery cheek. “Then the men here in Washington must all be fools.”
    â€œYou sure can be charming when you want to, Hunter,” she said as they started up the sidewalk to her front door. “You might do better to use it on Tate Justice instead of wasting it on me.”
    What could he say to that? The last thing he needed was Tate to think he was flirting with her, especially after the other night.
    â€œShe’ll have to settle for me trying harder to be polite.”
    â€œYou can offer her more than that, young man. She hasn’t had an easy time of it, you know. Not with that vulture of a mother always hounding her for money.” Mabel grimaced. “I shouldn’t spread gossip, even if it’s true.”
    â€œDon’t worry, it’s already forgotten.” He supported Mabel as she climbed the three steps to her door, then he handed her the berries.
    â€œThank you again. Think about what I said.”
    â€œYes, ma’am,” he promised, wishing his fingers were crossed. He wasn’t about to tell Mabel that the only thing he wanted to offer Tate was a few hot and sweaty nights between the sheets.
    But now it was time to wave the white flag and present his peace offering to Tate. As soon as his temper had cooled, he’d regretted his actions. D.J. was a different matter. Paladins were used to each other’s tempers and tended not to hold grudges about it.
    After picking up the cardboard carton he’d left at Tate’s door, he popped a couple of blueberries into his mouth, savoring their sweetness. It reminded him of what Mabel had said. Jarvis and Jake would howl over someone thinking a Paladin was sweet. It really showed how

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