Demons (Eirik Book 1)

Demons (Eirik Book 1) by Ednah Walters

Book: Demons (Eirik Book 1) by Ednah Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ednah Walters
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their business. Friday and Saturday night appointments often went until late, so Hayden tended to spend the night at my place. We rarely had sleepovers on Mondays.
    “You know she’s welcome here any time. She can tell me more about Norse gods.”
    “Good. I’ll drop off her things.” She glanced over her shoulder at the squad car still parked at the curb, then peered at me, her expression serious. “Remember what I told you about getting trapped there. Please, don’t attempt to go back and help that man. Whatever his problem is, let him find a way. If he is Hel’s son, you’ll be messing with a goddess.”
    Fear that she might be right had me nodding, but an inner voice reminded me I was the reason the prisoner was being starved. Me and his mouth. I’d never met a more stubborn guy in my life.
    “Promise me, Celestia,” Tammy added, her voice urgent. “This is not a joke. Hel is real and even though we don’t know a lot about her, she is a goddess. Powerful. And she is Loki’s daughter. And from what you told us, this is a family matter.”
    I nodded. “I promise.”
    “Good.” She stepped back and fished the keys from her tie-dyed Bohemian handbag. It was bulging with jars and pouches of charms, healing roots, powder, and creams. She always said it never hurt to be prepared. “Your grandmother would never forgive me if I let anything happen to you.”
    Had Grams known about the gods? Somehow, I doubted it. She would have told me. Grams hadn’t believed in babying people. Her bluntness was one of the reasons I learned to accept my gifts at an early age without freaking out. She was also the reason I stopped deluding myself about my mother coming back a changed Witch. I think it broke her heart that my mother—her daughter—had lost her mind.
    I stayed by the curb until Tammy pulled away, then approached the squad car. The window was rolled down before I reached it, and I smiled at the bald-headed man behind the wheel. Even though Officer Davies had become my unofficial driver after Dad became chief, I’d known him for years.
    “Good evenin’, Officer Davies,” I said. He was from Atlanta, Georgia and had the southern charm down to a science, so I tended to dial mine up a notch. “I hope Dad is not forcing you to stay out here for ma’ sake. It’s a weeknight and I’m not going anywhere.”
    “Evenin’, Miss Celestia,” Davies said. He waved to the guy behind the wheel. “Meet Sullivan. He’s fresh out of the Academy and a little green behind the ears, but we’ll teach him the dos and the don’ts of Windfall City soon enough. Sullivan, meet the chief’s daughter, Miss Celestia.”
    No wonder Dad had mentioned a younger officer. He already had one lined up. “Nice to meet you, Officer Sullivan. Would you two like something to drink? Fresh coffee? I’m not sure when Dad will be home.” Or why he’d left them behind.
    “Coffee would be nice,” Sullivan said and ignored Davies’ glare. “Black, no sugar.”
    “That’s not necessary, Miss Celestia. Are you going anywhere tonight?”
    So that was why Dad had left them outside the house. I wouldn’t dare go anywhere after what had happened earlier. Or maybe he was taking precautions in case I needed to be rushed to the hospital while he was gone.
    “No. We’re about to sit down and watch a movie.” Despite Davies’ protest, I went back inside with the intention of making them coffee. I knew how he liked his. Zack had already started munching on my Chinese food when I reached the kitchen.
    “Hey. That’s mine.” I snatched the bowl from under his nose. “Eat your beef.”
    He made a face, reached for one of the other boxes, and dumped its contents onto a large plate. He didn’t even bother to warm it. Just dug in. Ew . While I started the coffeemaker, Zack and Hayden headed to the living room.
    I didn’t care what movie they’d chosen because I wasn’t really going to watch it. I had homework, even though my thoughts were

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