Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald by J. K. Rowling Page A

Book: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald by J. K. Rowling Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. K. Rowling
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black ropes
into living snakes that ensnare AUROR 1 so he falls from the carriage, back through the night sky, past the broomstick riders.
    GRINDELWALD casts another spell so the black ropes of the reins bind AUROR 2 like a chrysalis, launching him forward in the air, then slingshotting him back to knock AURORS
3 & 4 from the rear of the Thestral-drawn carriage. They fall away into darkness.

    All wands reverse their direction to jab dangerously at the necks of SPIELMAN and the two remaining AURORS. SPIELMAN watches as his wand melts into dust.
    The carriage rocks dangerously, both doors open. As GRINDELWALD’S head appears at the window, the panicking SPIELMAN opens the wand box on his lap. The Chupacabra
leaps out and sinks its fangs deep into SPIELMAN’S neck. He wrestles it. The vial falls to the floor.

    SCENE 12
    GRINDELWALD drives the carriage down onto the Hudson River, chased by the AURORS on broomsticks. The carriage wheels graze the surface of the water. The broomstick riders
are catching up.
    GRINDELWALD touches the Elder Wand to the river and at once the inside of the carriage begins to fill with water.
    He lifts the carriage back up into the air.

    SCENE 13
    Submerged in the water, the two AURORS, SPIELMAN, and ABERNATHY hold their breath.
    SPIELMAN attempts to grab the vial, which is floating loose in the water, but the Chupacabra blocks his path. ABERNATHY, with hands still bound, manages to capture the vial
in his mouth.

    SCENE 14
    Still driving the carriage, GRINDELWALD swirls his wand in the air toward the surrounding storm clouds. One by one, forks of lightning strike the broomstick riders,
knocking each in turn from the sky.

    SCENE 15
    GRINDELWALD appears at the door and nods to ABERNATHY. He throws the door open so the water pours out—along with the two remaining AURORS. GRINDELWALD clambers inside
and retrieves the vial from ABERNATHY’S mouth by the chain, casting a spell that grants ABERNATHY a new forked tongue.
    You have joined a noble cause, my friend.
    GRINDELWALD rips the little Chupacabra off SPIELMAN. It rubs its bloody face affectionately against his hand.
    I know. Okay. I know, Antonio.
    He looks at it with distaste.
    So needy.
    He then flings it through the door.
    He blasts SPIELMAN magically through the open door, then tosses a wand after him.

    SCENE 16
    As SPIELMAN falls, he manages to seize the wand and conjures an invisible Slowing Charm. Sinking slowly toward the sea, SPIELMAN watches his carriage streaking away in the
direction of Europe.

    A gloomy silence. Establishing shot.
    An owl flutters down into the Ministry.

    NEWT SCAMANDER sits alone in a dingy waiting area, staring abstractedly into space. After a moment, he feels something tugging on his wrist. He looks down. Pickett, a
Bowtruckle, is swinging on a loose thread in his cuff.
    The thread snaps. Pickett falls. NEWT’S button rolls away down a corridor. NEWT and Pickett watch it go.
    A beat.
    Then both chase after it. NEWT just gets there first. As he bends to pick it up, he finds himself confronted by a pair of female feet.
    LETA (O.S.)
    They’re ready for you, Newt.
    He stands up. Face-to-face with LETA LESTRANGE, who is beautiful and smiling, NEWT stuffs the button and Pickett into his pocket.
    Leta . . . what are you doing here?
    Theseus thought it would be good if I became part of the Ministry family.
    Did he actually say the words “Ministry family”?
    She gives a little laugh. They head off along the corridor. Tension. A lot of history.
    That sounds like my brother.

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