“Strawberries, huh?” Ideas fired in her, naughty suggestions of things she could do with strawberries. She cast him a considering glance. “What do you think about body painting?”
“Could be fun.” He settled on the bed beside her and offered her another sandwich. “I’m glad I came up to see you.” Honesty shone from his eyes and echoed with his satisfied grin and relaxed posture.
“You just came for a booty call,” she scoffed.
“No.” The reply came instantly, an explosion of objection. “If you’d said no, I would’ve taken your rejection like a gentleman. I wanted to meet you in person. I didn’t come with expectations.” He had a grace to shrug when her brows rose. “Okay, so a guy can hope.”
“What do you want to do tomorrow morning?”
“I’d like to sleep in, get a room service breakfast so I can ogle you for longer and if we have time, I’d like to visit an art store to stock up on my supplies. By then it will be time to head for the rugby game.”
“Are you really going to play?”
“I said I would. Besides, Connor is big and protective of you. I need to get on his good side.”
Susan sipped more champagne, happiness making her giddy and bubbly, not unlike the effect of the drink.
“Time for dessert,” Tyler said and bounded off the bed. He returned with the bowl of fresh strawberries and another bowl of thick and glossy chocolate sauce. “Want one?”
“I could force myself.”
He picked up a berry and swirled it through the chocolate before holding it to her lips. A dollop of the sauce fell and plopped into her cleavage. “No, let me,” he said when she went to swipe it away with her finger. He unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt and peeled the material back to frame her breasts. Meanwhile, Susan squirmed at the tickly slide of the chocolate down her breastbone.
“Are you ticklish?”
“No.” Her hasty reply gave away the truth and his evil chuckle informed her he’d take advantage of her vulnerability.
His calloused hands grasped her shoulders, holding her as he lowered his head. His mouth skimmed the upper curves of her creamy flesh.
“There’s no chocolate there.”
“Haven’t you ever done anything because it feels good?” The naughty boy twinkle in his eyes made her grin.
She sniffed. “You want to make me suffer.”
“No,” he said, all signs of humor falling away. “What you’ll get from me is the straight up truth every time. My dawdling is giving me time to tease you and to lead you into temptation.”
“Don’t you need an apple for that?”
“Chocolate is the modern version. Don’t you know chocolate cures everything?” Before she could reply, his tongue followed the path of the sauce, shooting the air from her lungs with a whoosh. The stroke across her breast didn’t make her want to giggle. No, instead the intimacy made her want to offer herself for a taste test.
The corners of his eyes crinkled, and he winked. “It’s time for the shirt to go.” He drew the garment off her and studied her chest with avid attention. “We need more chocolate.” He plucked up another strawberry, drowned it in chocolate and used the fruit like a paint brush, dipping it again and again and spreading a Maori tribal design over her chest.
“You’re good,” she said, impressed by the design.
“I’ll enjoy cleaning it off even more. Want a top up?” He gestured at the bottle.
“Sure.” She did a flirty eyelash flutter. “What are you going to do with me?”
He tapped the side of his nose, his lips curving into a charming grin that warmed her insides and tightened that coil of lust again. So, maybe she’d wait and let things unfold at his pace. The man had skills—that was for sure. With their champagne topped up, she nibbled on another strawberry, letting the juices drizzle across her tongue. “This was a great idea.”
Tyler took her glass and rearranged her on the mattress. He sat back and cocked his head to the side.
Crystal B. Bright
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Esther And Jerry Hicks