Farmer Wants a Wife: Love and Friendship, Book 3

Farmer Wants a Wife: Love and Friendship, Book 3 by Shelley Munro Page B

Book: Farmer Wants a Wife: Love and Friendship, Book 3 by Shelley Munro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Munro
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“Hmm. The line of your body isn’t quite right.” He paused. “Try this. Hands above your head and hold onto the headboard.”
    Desire roared through her at his words. The certainly in his tone told her he expected her to obey. Slowly she raised her hands and curled her fingers around the long bar on the head of the bed. His gaze stroked her body from head to breasts to the tips of her red toe nails.
    “Perfect,” he said, a touch of reverence in his voice. He backed away from the bed and crouched by his bag. An instant later, he returned with a sketch pad and a pencil.
    Susan stared, felt her mouth drop open. This wasn’t about sex? Then she saw the glow in his eyes, the excitement in his face and she decided to wait before she told him he was crazy and wasting good sexy times.
    He grabbed the upright chair, dragging it from the desk over to the bed and plonked his naked butt on it. Then he looked at her again and slowly smiled. “Perfect.”
    Susan’s chest tightened with a blast of hope. She’d decided to meet Tyler because she’d liked the tone of his emails. Meeting him in person had been better than her expectations. He was sexy, funny and intense too. Sleeping with him was no hardship and breaking the dry spell—excellent.
    This was something else. She frowned a little. The tipping point, maybe? The moment in time when a relationship tipped from casual into serious?
    “Why are you frowning? Are your arms hurting?”
    “What?” Susan came back to the present. “No, I’m fine.” She consciously smoothed her expression. “How would you like me to look?” The question emerged in a purr and was immediately trailed by a spike of heat in her cheeks. Jeepers! She was way too old to blush.
    “Like that,” he said. “Flushed and heavy-eyed as if you’d just had a bout of hot sex.”
    “And that would be the truth,” she murmured.
    His head lifted from his drawing and grinned. “Glad to hear it.”
    She pursed her lips and blew him a kiss. “I’m hoping we can do it again. Soon.”
    “Flirt.” His pencil flashed across the page.
    “Only with you.” She wished she could see his drawing. “Are you any good?”
    He made a few more deft strokes, scanned her body with his gaze and did another strong line. This time he held his pencil in a different way. Every time he looked up, her body tingled under his intense focus. The dried chocolate on her chest itched, but she held her pose because he’d asked—no, ordered—her into position. His gaze jerked from his page to concentrate on her breasts. Her nipples reacted to the visual stimulation and trails of pleasure reached out to frisk other points on her body. She squeezed her thighs together in an effort to hold the sensation.
    “Don’t move,” he ordered. “I won’t be much longer.”
    His stern timbre sent a rush of moisture to her pussy. A quake of urgent need flailed her brain and sent lustful messages skipping the length of her torso. A moan built deep in her chest, fought for release.
    “Done.” He stood abruptly and grabbed a condom. Seconds later, he approached the bed. “You can let go now.” He uncurled her fingers and gently rubbed her shoulders. “Okay?”
    “Yes,” she whispered, touched by his concern and care. This man might be younger, but he was streets ahead with his charm and mature nature.
    “Good, because I’m so damn randy I could hammer nails with this big boy.”
    A chuckle burst from her, a laugh of joy and relief, and she parted her legs in invitation. “Thank goodness.”
    He surged into her with one hard stroke, rubbing her swollen clit with his well-placed thrust. The moan slipped free as she gripped his shoulders and raised her pelvis to silently urge him onward. He set a rapid pace, hammering into her with hard plunges. Susan gripped his shoulders and went with the ride.
    Tyler cursed, muttered something else she couldn’t interpret and slipped his hand between their bodies. His fingertip pressed against

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