like it if you can do the same with me. I think we’re doomed if we keep secrets from each other at the start of you and me.”
Simon nodded, seeming to understand. “I know where you’re coming from, but the truth is…if I tell you, things will change drastically between us, and I can’t bear that now that I’ve found you. Please, just give me a little more time. I promise I will tell you. Please.” He gripped her hands in his, his expression earnest.
Jessica wanted to let it go but she had to push one more time at least. “But when—”
Simon pulled Jessica into his arms and cut her off by covering her lips with his own. His finger dug into her thick hair, holding her head firm. She pressed her palms against his chest, intending to push him away, but the moment she felt his heartbeat pounding erratically and the heat of his flesh against hers, Jessica was lost. The feel of his mouth moving ravenously over hers was enough to make her knees go weak.
Jessica was thankful she was already on the bed, otherwise she was sure her legs would fail to support her in a standing position. Her nipples hardened, pressing painfully against her top.
“Open your mouth, sweetheart and let me taste you,” he muttered, tugging gently on her hair.
She sighed, allowing him the access he desired. It was almost impossible for her to deny him anything when he held her this way. A damp heat formed between her thighs, and she desperately wanted to feel his cock inside her. It amazed her how addicted she’d become to Simon’s kisses, caresses and his delectable cock. Especially his cock.
Simon slid his tongue into her mouth, seeking, tasting, and dominating. She loved it. The hands that originally had intended to push him away clutched a fistful of his shirt, drawing him closer. Jessica couldn’t get enough of him.
Simon swept the suitcase off the bed and pushed Jessica to her back, his mouth remaining tightly sealed to hers. She pressed her body against his taut chest, reveling in the sensual feel of his hard body. This was the way things were meant to be between the two of them. Any doubts she’d had earlier dissipated as he slowly began to undress her.
She clumsily tore at his clothes wanting to feel his bare skin against hers. She needed this. Her pussy was on fire, in need of his cock. Once they were naked, Simon lay on top of her, wedging a knee between her legs.
He rained kisses over her face and neck. “Jessica, you’re so beautiful. I can’t lose you,” he muttered with an almost desperate tone.
She smiled up at him, stroking his square jaw. “You won’t lose me. Stop being silly.”
“You have no idea.”
She arched her back, grazing her tight nipples against his hair-roughened pectoral muscles. “Enough talking. Just make love to me.”
“I want to, but the condoms are in the other room.”
“So what?”
“We can’t just…”
“It’ll be just this once. The odds are in our favor.”
“It only takes once. I’m clean, I promise, but disease isn’t the only thing we have to worry about. I wouldn’t put you at risk like that. I lo—care about you too much.”
She gasped. Was it wishful thinking on her part or had he nearly told her he loved her? “Simon?”
He shut his eyes briefly then opened then. “I didn’t mean for that to come out,” he whispered not to deny the unspoken question.
Her heart swelled to near busting. Damn. She loved him too. It was crazy to fall in love so quickly but there was no arguing with her feelings. “Why? Is it because you don’t mean it? I hope that’s not the case because I love you too, Simon. I think I started falling for you over coffee that first day, and I think I had a pretty good idea the first time we made love, but I didn’t know when it would be appropriate to bring it up. I know it’s soon and I’m scared as hell, but I can’t help the way I feel.”
He searched her face with a darkened blue gaze. Simon stroked her cheek with the
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