Finding Fire: Paranormal Romance (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 1)

Finding Fire: Paranormal Romance (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 1) by Mallory Crowe Page A

Book: Finding Fire: Paranormal Romance (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 1) by Mallory Crowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Crowe
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also looked up to the trees, but his eyes appeared to pass over Nicolas. He approached the girl.
    From his vantage in the tree, Nicolas could see the girl got visibly nervous when she was approached. The man didn’t say anything to her as he walked up. He put a hand on her arm and pulled her to stand up. She struggled a bit but stopped as soon as the man took out his wallet.
    He handed her a small wad of bills. “Leave here, and don’t come back tonight.”
    She nodded and ran with the money. Suddenly, Nicolas was grateful he hadn’t used any mind tricks on her. If he had, this vampire would know another was near.
    This man didn’t have any interest in the girl. Nicolas assumed he must not be Mr. X. So who the hell was it? The man turned, and his face caught a bit of the light. A human wouldn’t have been able to make out his features from this distance at night, but Nicolas wasn’t human. Recognition washed over him.
    This man was Aleksander’s. He was one of his most trusted guards. He was beside Aleksander when he killed Kirill. He’d almost gotten Nicolas. He recalled his name was Besnik.
    He had to get the hell out of here before he was spotted. This was no newborn vampire to fight. This was an experienced one with many more weapons than Nicolas had currently.
    He didn’t want to move and give away his position, so he stayed his ground and waited. Soon another vampire approached Besnik. This one also wore disturbingly baggy clothing.
    As he neared, Besnik smiled, and the two men embraced in a hug. They exchanged hellos, when one of their cell phones rang. The newcomer answered it.
    “This is not a good time,” said the new one. He listened. “What do you mean?” More silence. “We’ll take care of it.” He hung up the phone.
    He leaned forward to Besnik and said something so quietly, even Nicolas’s hearing couldn’t pick it up. Whatever the mystery caller had said, it spooked the two men. They each pulled very long, sharp swords from the depths of their long coats.
    Nicolas had a very bad feeling. The two spread out and looked for something, or, rather, someone. Nicolas had been made.
    Someone set him up. Besnik was one of Aleksander’s main confidants. This scene made it apparent Nicolas was spying on the man. Made it appear as though he planned an attack on Aleksander. He was, but he didn’t need anyone to know that.
    He might be able to take them in a fight. He was stronger than both of them. Despite his strength, there were still two of them, and they both had swords. All he had were the daggers he always carried with him.
    His best bet would be running. He could probably outrun them. He was stronger, and he knew the city very well. He didn’t like betting his life on “probably.”
    Both men looked in the opposite direction of the tree that provided him shelter. He leaped down and put his full speed into escaping the park. To a human eye, he would look like little more than a blur.
    He knew they heard him the second he moved, but he never looked back to see the men behind him. He was quickly out of the park and running on the streets. He stuck to the road. The large cars were easier to avoid at high speeds than the random people walking on the sidewalks at this time of night.
    He wanted to let Annabelle know about the new development, but he couldn’t stop to warn her. He could only hope Mr. X didn’t plan to go to her when she was unprotected at her apartment. She should be smart enough not to invite anyone inside. She was smart enough not to invite him.
    It might take him all night to lose the men chasing him. It took a lot for a vampire to lose a fresh scent trail, but Nicolas was very old and knew all the tricks.
    In his determination to survive, he forced his legs to move even faster.

    Anna had a difficult time just sitting around and waiting for Nicolas to make contact. She desperately wanted to call him. Sitting and waiting in her tiny apartment was driving

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