Finding Fire: Paranormal Romance (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 1)

Finding Fire: Paranormal Romance (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 1) by Mallory Crowe

Book: Finding Fire: Paranormal Romance (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 1) by Mallory Crowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Crowe
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bloody, because he couldn’t keep his own fangs under control. He’d hidden it from her so far, but he didn’t know how much longer he could continue to do so.
    Hopefully he could be through with her by the end of the week. Nothing good, besides the thirty seconds of release, could come from them fucking. What would he even do with her in bed? She was a teacher!
    He knew what happened when men got women like her in bed. They started talking about the future…making plans. The only future he had for her was death, and that was in the rather immediate future.
    That logic didn’t stop him from thinking about being between her legs less than twenty-four hours ago. As scared as she seemed to be of him, she’d nearly exploded under him. He couldn’t help but imagine what they could do together with more time and a bed.
    She was very deceptively sexy. She didn’t try at all and dressed like a teenager. Her glasses also helped to hide her from the world. She was no girl, but a grown woman. A woman who would throw herself in front of a vampire for him and rub herself frantically against his cock as if she’d never been turned on before.
    Before long, he was walking in a neighborhood known for being dangerous. Women dotted the street, wearing very little despite the cold. He looked for one who met his requirements, but none would do. They were all too skinny, or tall, or short. None looked like Annabelle.
    It wasn’t until he was another block down that he found someone who would suit him. She was younger than Annabelle, but that was okay. This unfortunate soul sat against an empty building, eyes glazed over in a way only drugs could cause. He hoped she was lucid enough to understand him.
    At the sight of his money, she was eager enough to follow him anywhere. He pitied how quickly she agreed to go with a stranger, but was thankful he could find anyone in the short amount of time. If he had more, he would have liked to have Annabelle give him some of her clothes for this little girl to wear.
    Annabelle had been correct that it would be easier if she were there. But he couldn’t have her running in front of another charging vampire in the middle of a fight. If he played this right, Mr. X wouldn’t realize he’d been duped until it was too late.
    Soon enough they had reached the designated spot. There was still half an hour to spare, but Nicolas would have preferred more.
    He directed the girl to sit on a particular bench. She wore a sweatshirt that was similar in shape to the one Annabelle had lost on their first night. Another advantage for him. He had her raise the hood around her head, to hide her features so no one could see her face until they got very close.
    He’d prefer to give her the money half now and half later, but he was worried he’d have to leave quickly and not have time to pay her. He could force her to stay put, but then she would have no way of defending herself if the situation got dangerous.
    He would have to use intimidation and charm on this one. Charm to convince her that no sex would be involved and that she should be safe, even if the last part was a lie. He also used a bit of intimidation to get her to think twice about running with his money.
    When he was all set with her, he looked for a place to watch. There were no tall hills around that he could perch on to watch below. He decided a tree would be his best bet.
    There were plenty of weeping willows lining a stream not too far from the meeting spot. He climbed up one and perched behind the cover of the draping branches.
    At exactly one, a man walked up. By the extra fast pace he moved at, without showing the exertion of jogging, Nicolas knew he wasn’t human. He wore a large trench coat, and that worried Nicolas. Vampires who wore lots of baggy clothing were usually wearing lots of weapons underneath that clothing.
    He stopped when he saw the Annabelle stand-in on the bench. He looked all around him to see whether anyone else was around. He

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