problems while you were gone. One of the raptors spotted you driving home and gave me a call.”
“I was gone for a few days. What the hell couldn’t my deputies have handled?”
Gerald exhaled loudly. Not good. “That’s just it. John tried to handle an altercation with the wolves that didn’t go so well. Not after you threw a bunch of them in jail before you left. Anyway, somehow Sophie got involved—”
“What the hell does she have to do with this? She’s the only wolf I know who doesn’t cause trouble.”
“The thing is, a few bears were horsing around in the grocery store. So Sophie intervened. She suffered a broken arm—”
“ What? ”
“The bears didn’t mean it. And then Monty got involved. Next thing you know there’s blood and fur all over the place. John showed up to ease tensions and Monty attacked him.”
“I’m sure Monty only attacked him because he smelled another bear and sensed a threat,” Julia offered.
Ty glared at her. “Don’t help him.” He turned back to Gerald. “Is everyone okay?”
“John’s pretty beat up but he’s healing at County. Sophie’s arm’s in a cast. Monty’s locked up and going nuts.”
Julia frowned. “He doesn’t like to be caged. You need to set him free.”
“How the hell do you know what he likes?” Ty didn’t like her familiarity with the gray wolf. Monty Grayclaw turned peace into problems whenever he opened his mouth. Time to talk to Burke— again —about the newest member of his pride. Maybe this time he’d cite Monty. Some community service might do the gray wolf some good.
Gerald smirked. “You’re looking mighty green there, Ty.”
Julia huffed. “Nice language, Sheriff.”
“Really. And around a lady.” Gerald had to add his two cents.
“My foxy lady. Mine. Now how long has he been locked up?” Ty asked through gritted teeth, wishing for once someone else had been elected town sheriff.
“A day.”
“Great.” Ty ran a hand through his hair. He had to settle things down. But he also wanted to tend to Julia. If he left her alone, she’d take off, putting more distance between them they didn’t need. “Hold on a minute, Julia.” He pulled his friend aside. “I need to go into town. Don’t let her leave.”
“You know I can hear you, right?” Julia asked with feigned politeness.
Ty ignored her. “We have a lot to talk about. See if you can get her to open up to you. For some reason I’ve never been able to figure out, she likes you.”
“Sure thing.” Gerald glanced at Julia and sighed. “You always were a lucky bastard, Ty.”
“Yeah, I am. You lay one paw on her, I’ll gut you, best friend or not.”
“I’m wounded.”
Ty didn’t find him amusing, even less so when Gerald didn’t bother to hold back a grin.
“Sure thing, Ty. Me and Mrs. Sheriff will while away the hours talking about your finer points. Feel free to pick up some food before you come back. I ate your last bit of ham, and, uh, the rest of the stuff in your fridge too.”
Julia snickered.
Ty’s heart softened hearing his mate laugh. He gave her a solid kiss on the mouth, scowled at Gerald, then drove to the station.
He found Monty pacing like a demon in a cell all his own between two drunken bears on one side and four beaten-up raptors on the other. Another group of wolves occupied the fourth cell. Wolves in jail—no surprise there. His deputies quickly explained what had occurred in his absence. Laura, a grizzly and the senior officer, vowed to have a talk with Gerald Winters and his big mouth. They’d had everything handled, or so she said.
The groups behind bars ranted about the department the minute they saw Ty.
“Save it,” he barked and pulled Monty out. The gray wolf snarled but didn’t attack. Once out of sight of the cell, he visibly shook as Ty led him to his office. “What the hell happened to you?”
A long time ago, Ty had been close to Monty. The gray wolf had a decent sense of
Ramsey Campbell
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