From Boss to Bridegroom

From Boss to Bridegroom by Victoria Pade Page B

Book: From Boss to Bridegroom by Victoria Pade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Pade
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the sight of his incredible back was doing to her.
    â€œWhy don’t we do that just before I leave?” she said, worrying that if she actually did touch him at that moment she might embarrass herself. She could only hope she might have more stamina later.
    â€œThat’s probably a better idea anyway,” Randconceded. “If it works the way it’s supposed to and numbs things, maybe it’ll help me get comfortable enough to sleep.”
    â€œRight,” she agreed as if that was what she’d been thinking all along.
    â€œI’ll go wait for Frank,” she announced then, retreating from the room without another glance at her boss and reminding herself that what she was feeling was totally inappropriate.
    Closing his bedroom door behind her, Lucy took a deep breath and exhaled it with gusto in an attempt to clear her head. She was there to help and nothing more, she lectured silently, and she’d better not forget it.
    With that in mind, she marched to the kitchen where she searched the cupboards until she found a pitcher for water, glasses and a tray to carry it all on.
    Frank arrived with the food just as she was headed back to the bedroom so by the time she got there she had everything in tow. She knocked on the door and waited for Rand’s “Come in” before she opened it.
    He had shaved and was sitting propped on pillows against the enameled black headboard. He’d changed into a pair of gray sweatpants and had on a silk bathrobe over them that covered most of his upper half. His eyes were closed as if he were sleeping again, although Lucy thought it was more likely against the pain the exertion had probably caused him.
    But when he heard her enter, he opened his eyes and his supple mouth stretched into a warm, welcoming smile.
    â€œDinner’s here,” she announced. “And I brought water to keep by your bedside along with your pills so you won’t have to get up to take them during the night.”
    â€œIs there anything you don’t think of?” he asked as she set the tray on his ample nightstand and began to unload it.
    â€œPlates,” she said, only realizing at that moment that she hadn’t brought any.
    â€œLet’s eat out of the cartons,” he suggested as if he didn’t want her to leave again to get them.
    Lucy pulled one of the chairs to his bedside and settled there to eat once they’d explored each container and decided where to start.
    â€œHow are you feeling?” she asked then.
    â€œNot as good as I did before we left the hospital but not bad. That is if I don’t try to move much.”
    â€œWill you be okay alone here tonight?”
    â€œI can ring for the doorman if I need help. That’s why I wanted to talk to him.” Rand smiled wickedly. “Unless you’re offering to spend the night…”
    â€œI wasn’t. I’ll make sure you’re fed and settled but then I’m going home.”
    â€œMmm,” she agreed.
    â€œWe’ll have to work here until I can get around again,” he informed her then.
    â€œFrom the equipment I saw in the other room it doesn’t look like that will be a problem.”
    â€œIt shouldn’t be. These computers link with the office so you can access anything.”
    â€œOkay. But you’re supposed to rest, you know. Maybe you should just tell me what you need done and not work yourself.”
    â€œI’d go out of my mind.”
    Lucy didn’t question that. She’d seen enough of his intensity and energy level to accept it as fact.
    â€œHow did you hurt yourself originally?” she asked as they traded cartons of food.
    â€œA mean tackle my senior year. I spent three weeks in traction, barely managed not to have surgery. I’m still trying to avoid it if I can, but every now and then I do something dumb—like climbing on that ladder that’s really not big enough to

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