Roses and Rodeo (Rough and Ready)
feel of him taking her while pulling her hair and rubbing her clit was almost sensory overload. Her orgasm came out of nowhere, ripping through her with the power of a freight train.
    She screamed. It came out loud and long and it barely registered that the neighbors could probably hear. At that moment she didn’t care. All she cared about was the incredible sensations in her body. Her core clenched his cock and her clit throbbed.
    If he wasn’t holding her head back by her hair, she might have collapsed from exhaustion after having two incredible orgasms.
    His hips continued to piston against her backside and then she heard a low growl and then a shout as he came.
    She felt his cock pulse inside her as he pulled her hair as if slowing a runaway horse. He pumped his hips a few more times and then let go of her hair and pulled out of her before collapsing onto his side and bringing her with him. He spooned her from behind and she felt his perspiration mingling with hers as they both went limp with exhaustion.
    “You are an amazing woman, Danica.” He pressed his lips against her cheek and adjusted her so that she was cradled in the crook of his arm.
    With a smile she relaxed even more and drifted off as he held her close.

Chapter 13
    Danica slowed on the elliptical trainer as she began the two-minute cool-down. She’d just completed forty-five minutes on the machine at the health club. Sweat dripped down from her hairline and forehead and she grabbed her hand towel and mopped her face with it. Her T-shirt was damp with perspiration and droplets rolled between her breasts and she dabbed at her chest with the bright yellow towel. She set it aside and continued moving her legs on the machine as she took a long drink out of her water bottle.
    She lowered the bottle and smiled to herself as she thought about her incredible weekend with Creed. He’d left last night to head off to his next event and she already missed him. Somehow he’d gotten inside her and she cared for him far more than she wanted to admit.
    Not only had they enjoyed each other in bed, but they’d also had fun doing other things. On Saturday they’d spent time at the beach during the day, ate lunch at a crab shack, and that evening had gone out dinner and then to a popular country-western bar. Creed was a great dancer and he enjoyed it, which made it fun for her. On Sunday they’d spend most of the day in her townhouse until he’d had to catch the last flight out to San Antonio.
    Her smile faded a bit as she thought about his chosen career and she sighed. A bull rider. What was with some men and the need to put themselves in the midst of danger? It was a question she’d been asking herself over and over. The next question was what was she doing in a relationship with someone like that? Couldn’t she have chosen a man with a stable career where his job wasn’t out to kill him? Literally.
    But she couldn’t help how she felt about him. He was easy to talk with and their interests were so similar—with the exception of the bull riding. She liked how genuine he was and how much he seemed to care about her and everything she did from her work to every other aspect of her life. There was little that they hadn’t talked about. She felt like nothing was taboo between them and she wondered if he felt the same way.
    The machine she was on beeped, telling her that she’d completed her workout. The numbers of minutes and miles flashed across the screen. She stepped off the elliptical trainer, grabbed her towel and water bottle, and headed across the gym toward the women’s locker room. She’d done weights and core before the elliptical and felt pumped from her workout.
    She came to a stop when she saw a familiar figure walking through the front door.
    “Kelsey.” Danica jogged up to her friend. Usually they worked out together, but since Kelsey had been avoiding her that hadn’t been the case. Today Danica had come in later than usual and she

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