regardless of military protocol.
“Captain,” she announced as she closed the hatch behind her.
“Commander,” Nathan responded, his eyes still on his desktop display. He glanced up momentarily and noticed that she was closing the hatch. “Something I can do for you?”
“Permission to speak freely, sir?”
Nathan leaned back in his chair. “Since when do you need permission, Commander?”
Cameron paused for a moment as she considered how to best address her concerns. Nathan, at times, was difficult for her to read. When they had first left Earth, she thought she’d had him all figured out. For the most part, she had been correct, but the last few months had changed him considerably. There were times when he was his old, arrogant, condescending self, confident that he could do no wrong. However, these days, he seemed more pensive, taking more time to consider his decisions. Still, she could not help but question his decision to continue the testing of the hybrid jump drive. He was the captain, and his decision would stand. She knew she had no grounds to override him on the matter. She did, however, have an obligation to protect the ship, even from her captain. She would have her say; she would challenge his decision in private. After all, he had granted her that right months ago.
“Speak your mind, Cam.”
“Are you seriously considering allowing Abby to continue testing the hybrid drive concept?”
“Yes, I’m seriously considering it.”
“Why, Nathan? Why are you so focused on getting that thing to work?”
“It’s simple, really. Being able to jump farther and without the need to recharge would be a huge step forward and would provide an even greater advantage than the original prototype provides.”
“I don’t see it as that great an advantage,” Cameron argued. “At least, not so much that it’s worth risking the ship.”
“How am I risking the ship?”
“Every jump is a risk, Nathan. You know that. For God’s sake, when we jump we’re literally plowing through space at unimaginable speeds and arriving in the middle of a completely unexplored region. That alone is a risk.”
“At least with the prototype we have experience and an abundance of performance data. This helps us reduce the risk associated with jumping about the galaxy.”
“How so? Just because we haven’t yet had any problems associated with the prototype? We’re still jumping into unknown space every time. How is using the ZPED-powered hybrid any more risky?”
“Because of the range variance error…”
“Which is why I stopped the previous testing once we had accumulated sufficient data,” Nathan said, interrupting her. “Now Abby believes she has figured out how to compensate for the effect of the ZPED’s field disturbance. I’m inclined to give her a chance to test her theories.”
“At the risk of this ship.”
“Tell me how I am increasing the risk to this ship by any significant degree,” Nathan demanded calmly.
Cameron paused to regroup. “It’s not the level of risk that I object to, Nathan. I admit that Abby has done everything possible to mitigate the risk. My objection is to the use of this ship as the test vehicle. Under other circumstances, I might agree that the additional effort is worth it. However, we have an obligation to get this ship back to Earth.”
“We have an obligation to protect the Earth,” Nathan corrected. “I’m trying to make sure we’re as prepared as possible to do just that.”
“And how exactly does putting this ship at additional risk help protect the Earth? We’re going to be home in less than two weeks, Nathan, even without the ZPEDs. We don’t need to experiment with them…”
“People died for those ZPEDs!” Nathan declared, sitting forward again with such determination and speed that it startled Cameron. “So you can be damned sure I’m going to try to find a way to use them!”
“Is that why you’re so hell-bent on
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