Full Circle

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Book: Full Circle by Lisa Marie Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Marie Davis
Tags: Romance MM, erotic MM
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myself to even hope we
    could actually find our way back together.”

    Full Circle | Lisa Marie Davis

    “I had given up hope of this ever happening, but now
    that it has, I know I never want to be without you again.”
    Caught up in the emotional current, Jaylin kissed him
    again and Max eagerly responded, tangling his hands in
    Jaylin’s hair as Jaylin slid a hand slowly down his chest. He arched into the feel, into the touch. He had missed this so much, missed Jaylin, missed being this close to him, and he knew he couldn’t get close enough. The desire was all-consuming and he wanted everything at once, but he also
    wanted to take his time.
    He wanted to savor this, cherish it. This moment had
    been seven years in the making and it shouldn’t be rushed.
    Desire becoming more and more intense, he carefully
    shifted their position, pinning Jaylin beneath him, his
    naturally dominant nature taking control.
    “Now this is familiar.” Jaylin smiled, arching his hips,
    pressing their cocks together. Max gasped, grinding against the man beneath him, gleefully adding to the friction. “Love the way you feel against me.” He arched again, moving his
    eager hands down Max’s shoulders to his back, where they
    paused briefly before moving again, and his eyes darkened.
    The blue eyes closed and Max watched as Jaylin drew in
    a breath, holding it a moment, before looking at him again.
    “You have scars.”
    “A few. Some worse than others.”

    Full Circle | Lisa Marie Davis

    “The scars are reminders of the past. I can’t deny that.
    But it’s up to us to not allow what we left in the past to
    touch us now.”
    Swallowing, he nodded, and Max kissed him again, a
    quick kiss before moving his lips to the sensitive skin
    beneath his ear, and Jaylin moaned and tilted his head,
    allowing Max the access he sought, and Max smiled. He
    remembered exactly what Jaylin liked, where he liked to be
    touched and how, kisses, nips, bites, Jaylin’s body…. Every inch of it was still familiar to Max because he had seen it in countless dreams during the past seven years.
    Sliding a hand between them, he shifted again, allowing
    enough room for his hand to wrap around Jaylin’s cock.
    Jaylin shuddered in anticipation, before groaning and
    opening his eyes to look up at Max’s.
    “I just realized something.”
    “That you want me to fuck you senseless?”
    “Oh, I already knew that, and believe me, I want that,
    but it just occurred to me that I don’t actually have condoms or lube here.”
    Jaylin shook his head. “I didn’t think I would need
    “I actually didn’t think I would need them, but….”
    “You have some?”

    Full Circle | Lisa Marie Davis

    “Yeah. Only I didn’t bring them. I left them in my room
    at the B and B.” Max grinned. “Just think: if you had agreed to meet me at my room….”
    “Oh, shut up. And get up and get dressed.”
    “Why? Someplace you want to go?”
    “I want to go back to your room and spend the entire
    night in bed.”
    Still grinning, Max slipped from the bed and Jaylin
    followed, both of them dressing quickly, forcing themselves not to touch. If they did, Max knew they would never make it from the room, and he wasn’t certain he would be able to
    care if they didn’t. He was a breath away from finally being inside of Jaylin, finally getting lost in the man he loved, the man he had wanted to make love with since he was eighteen
    years old.
    “We’ll come back for your stuff tomorrow. For now….”
    “I know. Let’s go.”
    Grabbing his keys in one hand, Jaylin held out his other
    hand to Max, who happily accepted it, needing what contact
    he could get as they left the room and fell into Jaylin’s rental car.
    Exchanging a look that said far more than mere words
    could, Max knew everything really would be okay, once and
    for all.

    Full Circle | Lisa Marie Davis

    He had Jaylin back and as long as he had that,

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